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Shoutout to perfect760
Callum's POV

She left? I couldn't believe what I was reading.

I came back home this morning with Asher and Mom. We went for a pack meeting and left Natalia at home because she wasn't feeling too well. Angeline was in school and Caleb was in town to run some errands.

How could she just leave because of the news?!

Next I knew, I was running out of the house hysterically and jumped into my car.

Mom and Asher were coming after me to see why I was leaving in a hurry but I didn't have time to talk to them so I sped off.

I didn't know where I was going but I just kept driving. A lot of questions were running through my mind as I kept driving.

'She left because of the news? Wasn't our love strong enough? We could have talked it out and found a way to resolve the issue, why did she leave just like that?'

Due to my thoughts and my vision which became cloudy with unshed tears, I hit a tree accidentally and next I saw was black.

Natalia's POV

My heart was pained. I thought it was that easy to leave my mate but I was wrong.

I went to my Grandma's place at New York city through my private Jet as I didn't want to attract attention. My name was still a hot topic.

Luckily for me, the pilots and flight attendants seemed to mind their own business as they didn't say more than 'Good morning' and 'What do you care for?' to me.

I arrived at New York city in five hours and I couldn't help the memories of this city that came rushing back the moment I reached.

I took an Uber to my grandma's place at 3rd Kristen street.

The road and buildings were still the same as I remembered from ten years ago. I smiled as certain memories flooded my brain.

After my mother died, I frequented my grandma's house especially after Dad brought in his so called wife.

"We've reached ma'am." The driver said and I thanked him before stepping out of the vehicle. He helped me take out my luggage to the front door of my grandma's house.

How sweet. I thought.

I thanked him and payed him before he left.

I sighed as I stood at the front of my grandma's door. I was hesitant to knock on it as I haven't seen her for a decade although we talk on the phone frequently.

And I didn't inform her of my coming so I was really hesitant. I was about to knock when the door swung open and revealed my grandma.

"Lala?" She said shocked as if she just saw a ghost.

"Nana." I squeaked and next I knew, I was bawling in her arms.

"My Lala, it's really you." She said patting my back. I was a lot taller than her now so I had to bend to actually hug her. She had changed a lot.

She got shorter, her hair all grey, her face got more wrinkles but she was still very beautiful.

She led me inside and sat me in the living room before leaving to get water for me.

I looked around the living room at all the pictures hanging on the wall.

There was a picture of my Mom, Grandpa and Nana. My mom looked so young in that picture. I was a replica of her. I smiled sadly at that picture.

My Grandma must have been so devastated after losing her only child and then her husband a few days after from heart attack.

Nana was a very strong woman because she was able to hang on for so long. I knew she was lonely here in New York that's why I tried convincing her multiple times to move in with me but she refused because this place held a lot of Grandpa and Mom's memories.

She returned with a glass of orange juice and I smiled at her.

"Nana. You didn't have to. I only wanted water. You know you shouldn't stress yourself so much now that you're getting older." I nagged her and she laughed.

"You're just like your mom, Lala." She said and I smiled at her. She sat beside me and looked at me affectionately.

"You have no idea how happy I am to have you here." She said.

"Me too Nana." I smiled at her and gave her a side hug.

"What happened though? Why are you here so suddenly?" She asked and I sighed before I started narrating the sad story of my life....

The night sky was very beautiful and the cool wind was refreshing.

I was sitted outside on the front porch just enjoying the night view. I was really missing Callum but I didn't have the courage to talk to him or anyone at that.

And even if I wanted to, I left my phone back at our room due to rush and I hadn't gotten the time to buy a new one.

The door opened and Tina appeared behind me. She was my Grandma's caretaker who I hired to keep my grandma company years back. She was at the market when I arrived.

She was around my age and very friendly and open too. She was also really talkative but I liked her a lot. The past eight hours had been interesting thanks to her.

"Talia, it's cold outside. Don't you wanna come in?" She asked.

"I'll be in shortly Tina." I replied, turning to see her face.

"Okay but hurry because it wouldn't be nice if you caught a cold." She said before going back in.

I didn't know for how long I remained outside but I later regretted it because I became so cold.

I went inside and my head started spinning. I held onto a table for support as I started losing strength. My vision was getting blurry and before I could register all what was happening, I blacked out.

Last I saw was Nana and Tina running towards me.

Hey lovelies💜

Pls y'all should vote pls, thank you

This is getting hotterrr😁😊

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