7.For you, mate

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Natalia's POV

Mr McCullough announced we should take a break from the never ending series of photoshoots.

Sky came up to me asking if I wanted something to drink and I told her no.

She was speaking to me about something and I just listened quietly, looking around the room bored.

Then I saw him, the handsome weirdo. I told Sky to give me a minute and walked up to him.

"It's my werewolf fan." I chimed.

"Nice to see you again, mate." He replied smiling. Not that again. Why does he keep calling me mate?

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"What every other person dressed like me is doing here." Came his reply.

"Hmm. Why don't I believe you? Anyway it's fancy seeing you here." I said oddly glad he was here.

Yeah I know he's handsome and god-damn sexy but I barely knew this man. Why was I happy he was here? God am stupid.

"Glad I got to meet and speak to you." He said. Just then Sky walked to us.

"Who might you be?" She asked Callum and I fought the urge to laugh at her tone and accusing look.

"Am in the media crew. Am Callum Miller." Callum said stretching out his hand for a handshake. Sky shook his hand.

"Do you guys know each other?" She asked looking between both of us.

"Yeah." We both replied simultaneously.

"Oh." Sky said and excused herself.

"Is that your manager?" Callum asked.


"She's cool." He said and I smirked. If only he knew how much cooler she could get.

Note the sarcasm.

"Are you free after this shoot?" He asked.

"Huh let's see, I have rehearsals after this, then photoshoots with Dior and an interview after that so no, am most certainly not free." I said and I saw his sad face.

Somehow that made me sad too.

"But, I could cancel the interview and I'll be free after 4pm lastest." I said just to make him happy again and man did that work.

"Great. I'll meet up with you later then. I'll text you the address." He said smiling and I smiled back. Just then Mr McCullough announced break was over so I went back to the never ending series of photoshoots.

Just as planned, Callum texted me to meet him at some restaurant a few blocks away from my company.

It took a lot of reassuring to get Sky to let me go.

I made a quick change from the stuffy dresses I was wearing from Dior's photoshoot to a simple shirt and jeans trousers.

I wasn't trying to create attention to myself so I wore a grey hoodie on top and black face mask.

It's a good thing flu was pretty common these days so no one would question my wearing face masks.

I got my personal driver Julio drive me to the restaurant while Sky went home.

The restaurant was pretty famous and expensive too. Mr werewolf must have a lot of money.

I got out of the car and told Julio to pick me up by 5pm. Sky only let me out for an hour.

I walked in but oddly no one was around. Weird cos this restaurant was pretty famous.

I saw him at a far end in the restaurant and walked towards him.

"You're three minutes late." He said looking at his wrist watch. I rolled my eyes and removed my mask. No one was here anyway.

A waitress walked up to us. Oh yeah none except her.

"What would you like Sir and mi- Natalia!" She squealed and I internally cursed myself for taking off the mask.

I smiled sheepishly and I could see Callum snickering at me from the corner of my eye.

"That's me." I said and the next second the waitress was sprawled over the empty table.

"Please give me an autograph on my shirt!" She said. I was taken aback by her behavior but took the pen she gave me and signed on the back of her white T-shirt.

She stood straight and smiled widely like a kid given candies.

"You have no idea how much I've wanted to meet you. I could never get tickets to attend your fansign events. It was such a bummer but who knew today's my lucky day?!" She squealed and I laughed lightly.

Callum just watched amused.

"Oh. Sorry about that -"

"No worries! Seeing you here makes up for all that!" The girl said cutting me off.

"Alright could you serve us now?" Callum asked amusement clear in his voice.

"Yeah, yeah sure! What would you like Sir?"

"The best dish on your menu." Callum said. She turned to me and said.

"I'll give you anything you want for free. Just name it."

"What, no that's not necessary. I'll pay." I said politely.

"No way! I'm not letting Natalia Quinn the most famous actress in Hollywood pay for a meal I'll serve her!" She said.

We continued arguing about who'd pay for the meal then Callum interrupted us.

"Alright none of you is paying because I am. Now would you serve us?"

"Sure. What would you like?" She asked me smiling.

"Carbonara." I stated simply and she nodded before leaving.

"Well that was tough." Callum said and I blushed.

"Your fans really love you." He said again.

"Why? Aren't you part of them?" I said teasingly.

"Well you could say am the biggest of them." He replied and I blushed again.

Gosh no one had this much effect on me. Why am I been like this for someone I barely know?

Maybe it wouldn't be that bad if I got to know him better.

I decided to ask him about himself when the waitress returned with our order.

"That was fast." Callum said and I had to agree with him. Someone really seemed enthusiastic to be serving their favorite Celebrity.

"Enjoy!" She chimed before turning to leave.

"By the way, why's this restaurant empty?" I asked eating my heavenly pasta.

"Cos I bought the restaurant." Callum replied and I choked.

He handed me a glass of water and I chugged it quickly.

"You bought this entire restaurant just so we could meet here today?!" I asked surprised.

"Yeah. I wouldn't want my Celebrity mate to be running into a lot of her crazy fans here." He replied nonchalantly.

Yeah, he's definitely crazy.

"I would move mountains for you, mate."

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