19.They are Mates?

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Callum's Pov

"Alpha, I'm going to reject Angeline." Asher suddenly said making me snap my head towards him.

"What?!" Natalia and Caleb both yelled simultaneously.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked shocked.

Asher looked down for a while before lifting his head to meet my gaze again.

"Angeline is my mate." He said. Natalia gasped shocked while Caleb spilled the pancake batter he was holding.

"Angeline is your mate?" I asked surprised. This really was unbelievable.

"She is, Alpha. I've known for four years while she just found out recently when she turned Eighteen.

I'm going to reject her because we're not compatible." He said.

"What do you mean by that?!" Caleb asked the question in my head.

"You both were paired by the moon goddess for a reason, how can you say you're not compatible?" Caleb asked again.

"You don't understand Caleb. None of you do." Asher said solemnly.

I remained quiet still trying to gather the new information.

My Beta and best friend was mated to my little sister and they hated each other and wanted to reject each other?

"Cal, are you going to say nothing about this?" I heard my mate's soft voice and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"It's not in my place to say anything. You must have a good reason for wanting to reject her. Does she want the same?" I asked.

"She never mentioned it but I'm sure she does. She hates this as much as I do." Asher said.

"You can't be for real! For goddess' sake why do you want to reject her?!" Caleb half yelled.

He seemed to be the only one most agitated by this, probably because he lost his mate two years ago.

Poor guy, only him could truly understand the importance of mates.

While Natalia was equally shocked, I could tell she was just staying quiet because all this was also new to her.

"You don't understand Caleb so don't act like you do!" Asher yelled back and I sighed. This was going downhill.

"Oh trust me, I do! You can't just reject your mate, you'll only understand after you lost them!" Caleb continued yelling.

"Oh please shut up!" Asher yelled back.

"That's enough both of you." I said in my Alpha tone and they both went silent.

"Caleb, this is a matter between mates, you're not allowed to interfere. If Asher decides to reject his mate, it has nothing to do with you so stay out of it." I said and Caleb humphed before leaving.

Natalia followed after him and I faced Asher.

"Why are you rejecting her?" I asked.

Natalia's Pov

I was so shocked when I found out Angeline and Asher were mates. Like who would have imagined? Those two were always at each other's throat, no one would have ever thought they were mates.

From what I've discovered from been with Callum, I loved him so much without even trying. It was like something was pulling me to him and I knew he felt the same.

If mates felt that way towards each other, didn't Angeline and Asher feel the same?

I decided to go talk to Angeline and when Caleb left, I took that as my queue to leave as well.

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