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Callum's POV

It's winter in Los Angeles which by the way is my worst season of the year. I walked into a large cafe and took a seat by the window.

A tanned skin, scrawny girl wearing a waitress' uniform walked up to me with a journal in her hands.

"What would you like sir?" She asked me, smiling flirtatiously.

"Starbucks Coffee cold brew." I replied checking the time on my wristwatch. I don't really have time for this.

I ought to be out of here and back to my Pack in fifteen minutes. The Red Moon's Pack Alpha would be there soon and I can't afford to run late.

The scrawny girl winked at me before leaving. I sighed at the girl's foolishness. I don't understand why humans were so stupid.

She returned with my order and placed it on the table after making sure her manicured fingers brushed against mine which were on the table.

"Anything else you'd like Sir?" She asked, adjusting her V neck top so she'd expose more cleavage of her breast.

"No, you may leave." I replied in a bored tone not bothering to look at her.

She seemed disappointed but left much to my relief as my wolf was loosing it right now and wanted to snap the little human's neck.

Sure I did have my fun around with girls but right now I wasn't in the mood and the girl was really pushing it.

I sipped my coffee and picked up a magazine laying on the table.

I flipped through the pages untill I settled on a certain page with pictures of different female models. My blue eyes trailed the rows of pictures until it landed on the last one.

'Mate.' My wolf Azure, screamed in my head.

"Hell no." I said and dropped the magazine. Azure was becoming restless now. I finished my coffee in one go and picked up the magazine.

I looked into the magazine again not sure if I was seeing things.

'Mate.' My wolf growled again, dancing in my head happily.

How can this be? How can my mate be a human and even worse some American Actress?!

'We need mate! We need to find our mate!' Azure yelled.

Hold on I still have to meet Red Moon's Pack Alpha. Screw that, I'm finding my mate and now!

Natalia's POV

Ugh! Finally that shoot's over now I can relax or maybe not.

"Talia! It's time for your Vogue's photoshoot!" I heard Skylar my manager yelling across the dressing room.

I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"Seriously Sky? I literally just finished three photoshoots in a row." I said leaning lazily on the lone couch in the room.

She strode towards me and pulled me up by my right hand.

"You've got to get your lazy ass up Talia. What would you do if your fans find out how lazy you are?" She said and I groaned again.

"They already know that their dear old Natalia Quinn is a lazy ass." I mumbled and managed to pull my wrist out of her tight grip.

Did this girl eat only proteins for breakfast or something? She was hella strong. She'd definitely pass for a bodyguard.

"Alright, let's make a deal. If you come with me now for your next photoshoot, I'll let you have your favorite whipped cream cheese frosting." Sky said and my eyes widened.

"Deal!" I said. Whipped cream cheese frosting was definitely my weakness and probably the last thing on earth Skylar would let me eat.

I followed her out and into the huge photographic studio flashing with lights from the cameras.

"Oh she's here." I heard Hugo the head of the camera crew say.

"C'mon baby girl! We haven't got decades here you know!" He yelled to me. I sighed and stood by a wall with Vogue wallpaper on it.

I changed my poses making sure to flash my dimple smile every now and then. The lights from the camera were pretty blinding but I was already used to it by now.

After the fifteen torturous minutes of posing for the blinding cameras, I walked into the dressing room and collapsed on the couch.

"That was great Talia!" Sky said handing me a bottle of water. I took it and gulped it all in.

Pretty funny how I could finish an entire bottle of water but you'd understand if you were in my shoes.

Some ladies came and started retouching my makeup and brushing my hair.

"Don't forget about our deal, Sky." I said.

"Of course." She replied glancing through her beeping phone.

"Alright, that'll do. Talia it's time to go see your parents." She said as the ladies finished their business and left.

I groaned for the hundredth time today and stood up. My black dress swerved at my movement.

"Whipped cream first!" I yelled and stomped out of the room through the back door and into my limousine which was parked just outside.

Guards lined up around the vehicle to stop fans from getting to me. Why do they always have to announce to the public when I'm taking a photoshoot?

Sky followed from behind me and sat beside me in the vehicle.

"You're so immature Talia. Why do you always have to make a fuss whenever you have to visit your parents?" She asked me and I just ignored her, tapping away on my Samsung phone.

She sighed and grabbed my phone.

"The heck Sky?" I almost yelled.

"Watch the language missy and how dare you ignore me when I'm speaking here?" She asked fuming mad.

"Sorry." I mumbled. It was no point arguing with Skylar. She was always right.

"Now we'd go see your parents and you'd be natural about it, clear?" She asked and I nodded.

"Good. Now where's the nearest whipped cream stall around here?" She said and a smile grew on my face.

She sure knew how to lift my spirits.

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