Chapter Seventeen : Small Victories

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He felt Sabrina grin under his touch. "You already have me."

"No, I mean where I can really have you to myself." Ominis' voice lowered as he moved closer to her. "I don't have to share you with anyone here. I can truly be yours, and you can truly be mine. We don't have to hide anything."

Under his touch, Ominis felt Sabrina's heart quicken. "I am yours, Ominis."

Merlin, the way she said his name made Ominis' own heart beat wildly against his chest. He leaned forward and captured the girls' lips against his own, determined to taste every inch of her that he could reach. He wanted to map her entire being so it was engraved in his memory forever, and she seemed just as eager to allow him.

She took a step back, and suddenly she was pressed against a wall. Ominis smiled at the sudden entrapment, but took advantage of this to deepen the kiss. One of his hands was still wrapped around her soft hair while the other one pulled her hips closer to his own. Sabrina opened her mouth, and Ominis' tongue delved in to taste her sweetness. The warmth in Ominis' chest fully engulfed him, moving down from his heart, through his arms to his fingers, and down lower into the pit of his stomach until–

"Oh hello, Miss Lewis!"

Instantly, Ominis broke the kiss and held his wand up, aiming at the direction of the voice. He was now on full high alert, and the warmth in his chest was gone as quickly as it came. "Who's there!"

"Oh, pardon me!" the high pitched voice said again.

Sabrina sighed deeply, obviously just as unhappy about the intrusion as Ominis was. "I'm sorry, Ominis," she said. "This is Deek. He's Professor Weasley's house-elf. He comes in here to check on the room and to clean it for me when I'm not around."

Ominis thought he recognized the voice. He had heard Deek around the castle with the other elves. He turned towards Sabrina, a horrible feeling coming over him. "He's not going to tell anyone about us?"

"Oh no!" the house-elf replied. "Deek won't tell anyone about who Miss Lewis brings into the Room. The Room is your place. Deek just comes in to check-in and make sure Miss Lewis is alright. Deek will leave you alone now, just call if you need Deek."

"I will, thank you Deek," Sabrina said. With a snap, Ominis heard as the house-elf left the room. Sabrina quickly attached herself back to Ominis' side. "You're so protective."

Ominis turned his face towards her as he wrapped an arm around her waist. "I meant what I said I'm not sharing."

"Good, because I don't want to share either."

The warmth in his chest returned. Oh, Ominis was going to love this place.

"Oh, c'mon Anne! How often do we turn seventeen?"

Anne walked up the stairs and rolled her eyes towards her brother. "And where are we going to get the money for a party at The Three Broomsticks?" she asked.

Sebastian ran to catch up. "Ominis has an allowance he never uses. Besides, didn't Solomon have some money he left behind?"

"That doesn't mean I'm sharing it with you," Anne snapped. "That money is for emergencies!"

Sebastian reached out and grabbed Anne's shoulders to make her stop walking. "Come on," he pleaded. "This is our seventeenth birthday. How often do we reach adulthood? Besides, we didn't do anything for our birthday last year."

Anne looked back at him, feeling herself begin to falter just looking at those sad puppy eyes that Sebastian was so good at giving. He was right, of course. Because Anne was sick last year, they hadn't done anything to celebrate them turning sixteen. Not like Solomon would have let us anyway, she thought bitterly at the memory of barely getting an acknowledgment from their uncle.

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