Chapter 79: Recovery

Start from the beginning

I was weak from the blood loss, but I didn't allow myself to stop. Inch by inch, I crawled until my hand found the pistol. I turned over to my back and brought my pistol up. My vision was going double and blurry. I couldn't hold the gun straight, or even tell who was who so I had a fifty-fifty chance of hitting Cinder.... Provided I didn't miss. 

Both Cinder and Qrow were moving extremely fast, and the Wyvern interfering with the two of them was making it harder. It wasn't until Cinder let loose a stream of fire at Qrow that I knew which was which. I aimed shakily at Cinder, focusing solely on her. It all hinged on me hitting the mark.... I fired....


Cinder snapped her head to me and I knew that I missed. Qrow jumped in between Cinder and I but Cinder was prepared for it. As he was about to swing, she blasted him in the chest, knocking him towards the Wyvern and the Wyvern lowered its head down to kill Qrow. In a split second, my mind snapped back into focus and seeing Qrow about to be killed as well, I screamed out. 

Another blinding flash cascaded over the area. When it subsided, the Wyvern was frozen in stone and Cinder was on her knees near the edge of the tower. Her injuries now including her eye looking like it had been burnt out of her head. Without thinking twice, I brought my pistol up and fired again, this time hitting her. She gagged and grabbed her throat before she fell backwards off the tower. I presumed to her death. 

I lowered my pistol and laid my head back down. Everything started to go hazy and dim again. I figured that I wouldn't wake up this time. I was barely even able to keep my eyes open. Absentmindedly, I noticed Qrow grabbing me and picking me up. This felt all too familiar. Like I was back to being a kid, when Raven saved me. This time though, it was the one I wanted to save me. 

It didn't matter if he could or not, the fact that he was here this time was enough. My vision dimmed leaving me in darkness, as my hearing began to leave me. When my consciousness finally left me, all I could focus on was that for the first time in almost eleven years now, I finally did have my father back....




Ruby Pov

7:14 AM

Three Days Later

I don't know how long I was out or where I even was. At first, all I could focus on was the splitting headache and the intense pain in my left arm. Slowly but surely, I opened my eyes and barely recognized the room until it clicked that I was back home. If it wasn't for the pain I felt, I would have thought that everything was just a bad dream. I could hear voices coming from outside the door, though I was having a hard time recognizing who it was. 

???: Hmm.... Nothing....

???: Just turn it off. With the CCT down, there's no point....

???: Communications down and no way to contact the outside world.... Just lovely....

???: Don't forget Ozpins still missing....

???: Yeah.... This is worse than I ever thought it could get.

???: Hmm.... Why help us?

???: Your sons a friend.

???: ....Strange friends he has....

That gave a little clarity on who was talking. I sat up in the bed as the door opened. Just as I thought, Qrow and Torchwick were the ones talking. Neither thought I would be up but both looked equally glad that I was. 

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