Chapter 43: The Company We Keep

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3:42 PM

188 Days to the Fall

Y/n Pov

A Sunday afternoon and not a damn thing to do. The last ten weeks have been simple. It was almost boring how quiet and uneventful it's been. Hearing the police radio go off was euphoric because I was mostly hanging around my room maintaining my gear over and over and over again. I had another two weeks with team JNPR before I would be switched to another team. 

Jaune was getting better at combat and Pyrrha was cranking his training up to eleven. It was amazing to see how far he's come. It used to be that he couldn't fight for shit, now he could stand in a fight on his own. Ren and Nora were still doing their typical routine of Nora going batshit crazy and Ren reeling her in. It was as entertaining as ever. 

Finally there was my relationship with team RWBY. It was pretty obvious to all of them that something happened between Weiss and I. Yang wanted to get nosy but all I had to do was pull up her grades for Weiss to see to get Yang to run for the hills. Ruby was the literal definition of a "cracked up rooster". She didn't dig as hard as Yang did but she bounced off the walls knowing well enough just by watching Weiss and I interact following that Friday night two and a half months ago. 

That only left Blake.... We were still on rocky ground. The most our interactions would be I would try and talk to her and she would just glare and walk away. She barely spoke a word to me unless it was something important. At least as important as schoolwork can be, that is. She did break into my room to get ahold of my scroll after I let it slip to them that I got my backups to the files that I lost in the warehouse explosion. What I didn't share to them was that my scroll meant one of the two scrolls that I bought and kept hidden. 

The first one actually had everything on it. The second had a lot of.... lets just say "Adult entertainment" on it that also concealed several trojan virus' that would transfer to whatever it was hooked up to. It was funny to see how infuriated she was when she said that she had "Bought" the files containing all the information they needed from "a friend". Sorry, what I had meant was information they WANTED. 

It didn't take long for Blake to not only be humiliated but for the truth to come out. The trouble I got into for having such a malicious trap set up was worth it. It was also worth trashing Blakes scroll with all the homosexual gangbang and chicks with dicks porn that now resided on her hard-drive. Funnily enough, that leads us to now. After I got the scroll back, my ass-kicking for nearly shattering Rubys' innocence and Blakes tongue lashing at breaking into a dorm room and stealing, She and I were then forced to go to Vale together to buy her a new scroll. 

We walked down the road in the commercial district. Blake still refused to speak to me and I was getting annoyed with each passing second. We only just got to Vale and I was already wanting this to end. We entered the scrollholics, the one of only scroll store that actually sold decent ones in Vale. I had a feeling that Blake just walked us to this one because it was a name brand store. The clue being that the instant she walked in, she looked helpless. 

I stayed a little ways away from her as she walked around aimlessly. I sat there waiting for her to pick something. After a few minutes of watching, I started to notice the other costumers and employees. All of them were giving Blake a wide berth. I started paying more attention to them and noticed that everyone here was human. I started walking around, pretending to look at the scrolls as I started listening to what people were saying. 

Customer 1: Who let the animal in the store? It's disgraceful!

Customer 2: I thought this was a animal free store!?

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