Chapter 8: Safeword

Start from the beginning

"No, she isn't or at least not anymore," Colin says glancing at Joyce. "If she had concerns about our relationship, she should have come to me. Not tried to manipulate you behind my back. I am not your friend anymore Joyce, or your Submissive, I am nothing to you. All your other Subs you have distanced yourself from, why am I any different?"

"Because Colin, I owe it to your mother to keep an eye on you," Joyce urges. The words seemed to fall out of her mouth.

Colin's jaw tightens and he glares at Joyce "you owe that woman nothing. And don't pretend like you have been doing any of this for anyone other than yourself."

"If you honestly believe that Colin," Joyce scoffs, her face twisting into a hurt frown. "You know I care about you. You know I love you. I want what is best for you Colin and you are right I went about it the wrong way. I fucked up. I made a mistake. I love you, Colin. And if being with Miss Palmer makes you happy then I will support it. I was trying to look out for you, and I fucked up, please, Colin, please forgive me."

Colin frowns gazing at Joyce a moment before he glances at me.

I give his hand a gentle squeeze. "You need people," I say gently. "You can't live with just me and people you pay. You need friends and loved ones, Colin. I think you can forgive Joyce. She meant well, even if the methods were poorly executed." I glance at Joyce with a small smile "if you don't have her to share all the recent good news with who are you going to tell?"

Joyce holds my gaze and returns the smile hesitantly "good news?" she asks glancing at Colin.

Colin hesitates a moment before he nods slowly and says "Emery and I are engaged. She's going to be my wife."

Joyce gazes at us in surprise blinking a little "w-wow. That is – fast... congratulations."

Colin smiles glancing down at me, he taps his lips against my forehead. I smile warmly gazing up at him, it makes my heart flutter that he decided to share that part first. It makes me feel like he does see me as more than just a vessel to carry his children.

Colin gazes at me for a moment before he turns back to Joyce "and she's pregnant. We're having a baby."

That news has a very different impact on Joyce. The smile that splits across Joyce's face is nothing short of genuine surprise and happiness. She must be aware of how much this means to Colin, and how excited he is.

"That is amazing!" Joyce says, stepping over, she practically forces Colin to hug her, but I can see the man smiling. He kisses her cheek and nods. She steps back looking at Colin with a beaming smile "congratulations!" She turns to me and gives my hand a gentle squeeze "both of you."

I smile warmly "thank you, Mrs. Hendricks."

"Oh please, call me Joyce. You are marrying Colin, we are going to practically be family now," she says.

I nod smiling and accept the hug when she steps closer to me. When she pulls away, she gazes at me with a warm motherly smile.

"How far along are you?" Joyce asks.

"Six weeks," I say with a warm smile. "It's been a roller-coaster for a week now. All I can say is this kid better be incredibly cute."

Joyce laughs "well with your's and Colin's genes I'm sure they will be."

I nod in agreement. "Thanks, Joyce."

Joyce smiles at me before looking at Colin squeezing his arm. "You have to come by the house for dinner sometime soon so we can all celebrate."

Colin nods, wrapping his arm back around my waist. He sets his hand against my abdomen. "Sure, Joyce. I'm sorry I've been an ass this week."

Joyce smiles a little and nods "it's forgotten Colin, I made a mistake, and I shouldn't have tried to come between you and Emery." She gazes at us with a warm smile "you two are great together."

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