Chapter 2: Options

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~Emery's POV~

"Ellie, do you have some cream or something for acne?" I ask. I stare at my reflection in the mirror and glare at the red spots that have popped up everywhere on my skin. I didn't even have bad acne when I was in high school, why is it suddenly making an appearance?

Ellie steps into the bathroom with a tube of lotion in her hand. "Try this it saved me when I was a teen."

"Thanks," I say as I quickly apply a healthy amount on my face. "I have never had it this bad, like maybe a few if I ate an excessive amount of sugar or was overstressed." I frown a little as something wafts in from the kitchen, glancing at Ellie "what are you cooking?"

"I'm making a grilled ham and tomato sandwich, want one?" Ellie asks.

"Ugh, no thanks," I say covering my nose with my hand and pursing my lips.

"Does it really smell that bad? I think it smells great," Ellie says with a small, amused smile.

I slowly shake my head "are you still okay with driving me to this appointment?"

"Yeah, are you sure you want to go to this doctor? Whatever she found you can have another doctor find too," Ellie says. "I mean it's really weird that she came to his house to do medical stuff, I didn't even know that was legal."

"It probably rides on the line of what is and isn't, like most of what he does," I say with a frown. I shake my head, "can we talk about something else?"

"Sure, I am pitching that book I told you about tomorrow," Ellie says, her expression changes and I can almost feel the pride coming off her.

I smile brightly glancing at her "that's amazing, El, congrats."

"Thanks," Ellie says. "So, if all goes according to plan, we will be going out tomorrow night to celebrate. You need something to be happy about again. This last week it has been like living with a really sad ghost."

I glance at Ellie and sigh a little, she has a point. There have been three life-changing moments in my life, the day my mother died, the day I met Colin and the day I walked away from him. I can feel it, the same way I felt it when he found me on that park bench and the same way I felt it when the doctors told me my mother hadn't made it. I can feel how the moment has changed me.

It's like a part of me stayed inside his large house. I can't deny that I miss him. I miss him a lot. I miss waking up in his house feeling safe and protected. I miss having his arms wrapped around me as he whispers sweet affectionate things in my ear. I miss the ridiculous sexy look he gave me, the way he looked at me and made me feel like the most important, prettiest woman in the world.

I sigh sadly and glance at Ellie "dinner sounds great."

Ellie smiles and gives my shoulder a rub before she heads off to finish making her sandwich.

I turn to the mirror and frown as another wave of nausea wafts over me. Was I getting sick? That would explain why Dr. Falcone's office called me for a follow-up. Does she know? Does she know I am no longer with Colin?

When I am ready, and Ellie has finished her lunch we head out the door and Ellie drops me off at Dr. Falcone's clinic.

"Do you want me to go in with you?" Ellie asks.

I glance at her hesitantly. I am an adult. I'm supposed to be able to do these things by myself. When did I become so needy and dependent?

"You know what, why don't I go pick us up some coffee for when you're out and then I will come in and sit in the waiting room," Ellie offers glancing at me.

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