Chapter 7: Happy

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~Colin's POV~

Today will be remembered as one of my favourite days. It's one of the first relaxing, lazy Saturdays I have ever treated myself to. Emery and I spend the day up in my library, sitting on opposite ends of the sofa reading. She is reading a pregnancy book and I am finishing the last few chapters of my current novel. It's interesting really, how content and at peace I can be just sitting across from a woman that I care about. Her leg is resting on my lap, and I gently massage her foot while I read.

"There is a lot to remember," Emery murmurs glancing at me after a moment.

I glance at her raising my brow.

"Things I'm supposed to do, and not do, things I'm allowed to eat and what I'm not," Emery says, she pushes her bookmark into the book and sets it on the table with a small sigh. "It's a lot."

I place my bookmark in my book and set it beside me. I gaze at her with a warm smile. I picked the right woman and by some dumb luck, she picked me back, if you think about it from a certain point of view that is. I had a vision of the woman I wanted to bear my children. A woman who would make them feel every bit wanted and loved. I never felt loved that way, never felt like the most important person in someone's life, but I knew our child would feel that from Emery. In a way, it makes me jealous. I want to be the most important person in her life, but I guess I can give that spot up for our child. Maybe we can be tied.

"We just have to take all of this one step at a time," I encourage, giving her thigh a soothing rub. "I'll have Dr. Falcone write up a list of foods to avoid and I'll give it to London. For the most part it's just being more conscious about what you are eating."

Emery nods slowly gazing at me with a warm smile.

I return the smile "how about this I'll do the whole pregnancy diet with you. No sushi for me for nine months."

"And scotch?" Emery asks with an amused smile. "And coffee."

I hesitate with a small sheepish smile.

Emery laughs and moves to snuggle into my lap. I breathe a peaceful sigh as she nuzzles my shoulder and kisses my cheek. God, I love having her here. I love how at peace we both seem. How happy we are. Yes, I know there are still complicated parts of our relationship, things we will probably have to work through and sort out, but what relationship didn't have things that needed to be worked on? For right now we were joined in happiness and excitement. Excitement thanks to the little miracle Emery is growing inside her and to me, that is enough to help us through any obstacle that comes our way.

"I wouldn't ask you to give up coffee or scotch," Emery says with a small laugh. "I started drinking coffee when I met you, and I don't particularly like drinking alcohol anyway. That's the easy stuff. But... I don't know I'm nervous I'm going to forget something, and it'll hurt the baby or something... I don't know."

I smile warmly kissing her neck. "You won't. I'm here to help you, Emery, you don't have to do this all alone. Let's go out to dinner tonight, to celebrate."

Emery smiles and nods in agreement at the idea "alright. Where should we go?"

"How about the steakhouse?" I ask wrapping my arms around her and pulling her back, tighter against me. "I'll take you to my favourite."

Emery smiles and nods "alright."

I smile kissing her forehead, grabbing my phone I send a text to Reese to reserve my usual table. As I set my phone down, I feel Emery shift on my lap nudging her cheeky ass against me and I breathe a slow breath in through my nose.

"Careful baby. Don't start something that you aren't prepared to finish," I murmur against her ear.

Emery laughs as she rests her head back against my shoulder. "I need to stop by my place to grab some clothes for dinner."

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