15 || Lights Camera Action

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"Seven, eight, nine... fuck, where's the tenth one?" Felix raised his voice, rummaging through his school bag.

"Tenth what?" Jisung asked, plugging in the spotlight for the stage and taking one side of his headphones off.

"The tenth page of the script, I can't find it anywhere!" Felix became growingly more upset as he struggled to find the paper.

"Maybe see if Haerin has a copy of the script. she's the one who got them all printed out, right?" Jisung suggested.

"Good point, I'll ask her." Felix zipped up his bag and went to go find Haerin, but paused after a few steps, looking back at Jisung.

"You're Jisung, right?" Felix asked.

"Yeah, that's me." Jisung said looking over his shoulder, giving Felix a small smile before turning back to the stage light and to adjust it for the show.

"So you're the one dating Minho?!" Felix exclaimed, turning himself towards Jisung.

Jisung immediately snapped his head back towards Felix, his eyes wide as he shook his head frantically.

"Uh, no! Well not technically... like, nothing is official." Jisung explained, nervously chuckling afterwards.

"Oh, so you guys are just "talking" I guess?" Felix asked, tilting his head.

"Yeah, I guess you could call it that." Jisung said, scratching the back of his neck. Felix nodded.

"I never took Minho as the gay type." Felix shrugged.

"The gay type? That's a funny way to put it." Jisung chuckled as he took his headphones off all the way, hanging them around his neck.

"You know what I mean." Felix laughed, putting his hands into the pockets of his sweat pants,
"He's just been with so many girls, I didn't think he'd ever be into guys." Felix explained.

"Yeah, I don't think he did either." Jisung chuckled to himself as he turned back to finish adjusting the light.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Felix asked, taking a step towards Jisung.

"He's never liked a guy. Not until he met me at least, he even made the first move." Jisung smiled a little, looking back on that moment.

"Really? That's actually surprising. My boyfriend made the first move to." Felix giggled. Jisung looked back at him once again, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Boyfriend? Who?" Jisung asked, genuinely curious.

"Seo Changbin." Felix said with a smile.

"Changbin? I know him, that must be why you knew about me and Minho." Jisung said.

"Yeah, well that and the rumors and video at the beginning of the school year." Felix continued the search for his paper, planning if he couldn't find it still he'd just ask Haerin for it.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that video. You know, at the time he was only saying it to back me up, we had only talked one time before that." Jisung mentioned, Felix looked confused though.

"Kind of strange he'd get in a fight for you when he had only spoke with you once." Felix pointed out, looking at Jisung again.

"Long story short, he threw a back pack at my head and only fought my ex as a way of saying sorry." Jisung explained, finishing up fixing the light in the right position.

By Chance | Minsung ✔️Where stories live. Discover now