12 || Snitch

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Jingling of keys was heard outside the door, but it was so faint neither really noticed nor cared and just continued kissing.

Minho brushed his hands over Jisung's chest, both breathing heavily into the kiss now as Jisung carefully started lifting the back of Minho's shirt, the kiss getting more heated by the second.

Then, the door swung open.

Hyunjin stepped in with groceries in his hand, his head immediately turning to the only other noise in the room than the door shutting behind him.

By this point, Minho and Jisung still hadn't noticed, and Minho was only pressing Jisung into the couch more and kissing him.

Hyunjin's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. He didn't want to say something cause it'd feel weird if he did so he just tried to quietly mind his own business and put the groceries on the counter.

As he put the groceries down, Minho bit down gently on Jisung's neck, basically forcing a moan out of Jisung.

Hyunjin jerked his head to the two the second he heard the noise, he decided he should give them some privacy.

Hyunjin left the groceries on the counter, and quietly walked to his room.

As he went to open the door, he saw a massive cockroach crawling across the doorframe right in his line of sight.

He shrieked and jumped back immediately, both Jisung and Minho turning their attention towards the loud sound.

Jisung had almost completely forgotten that he even had a roommate now, and it scared the shit out of him at first along with Minho.

They laid there frozen, staring at Hyunjin in shock as Hyunjin stared back.

Minho's hands were still on under Jisung's shirt and Jisung's hands were still gripping the fabric that had been dragged halfway up Minho's back.

"Uh... sorry." Minho said guiltily, sliding his hands out from under Jisung's shirt and Jisung quickly pulled Minho's shirt back down.

Minho was looking back and forth between Hyunjin and Jisung.

Jisung was staring at Hyunjin with his jaw dropped open and blinked a few times before coming to his senses.

"I uh- I thought you said you were going to a friends house for the night?" Jisung said quietly, feeling a bit embarrassed especially since Minho was still hovering over him.

"Uh, nope. I actually said I was gonna be there for a few hours..." Hyunjin responded awkwardly.

Minho finally got up off of Jisung, pulling him up with him and staring at the floor with red cheeks, displaying his embarrassment.

"Oh, right." Jisung laughed awkwardly and threw his arm around Minho's shoulder.

"This is my uh... friend... Minho." Jisung smiled weirdly and Hyunjin nodded.

"Well hello, I'm Hyunjin. I sorta just moved in yesterday, so uh... yeah." Minho looked up from the floor and nodded, still clearly embarrassed.

"Uh, would you like to join us?" Jisung said innocently, not realizing at all for a few seconds how it sounded.

Minho and Hyunjin's eyes went wide open in shock.

"Oh! Uh, shit- not like that!" Jisung said frantically, standing up and waving his hands around.

"I meant like- we could watch a movie together or something..." Hyunjin and Minho's shocked faces settled again and Hyunjin nodded.


By Chance | Minsung ✔️Where stories live. Discover now