13 || Realize

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"I- um..." Minho choked on his words, of course he heard him and now he knew for certain Jisung wanted to be more than whatever they were right now.

Minho wanted to be with Jisung so badly, to touch him, kiss him, hold him, but the idea of calling Jisung his boyfriend was something so new to him.

It confused him, he didn't even know if he was gay or bi yet.

But deep down, he wanted Jisung to be his.

Minho nodded. Still looking into Jisung's eyes, he let out a shaky sigh. He held Jisung's waist just a bit tighter, as if afraid he'd try to go away.

"I'm- I'm sorry! It's just stupid feelings, we don't have to be any-"

"Sung, stop." Minho sighed once again and stood up with Jisung in his arms still, dragging him up with him.

At this point, it just felt surreal to Minho.

Jisung was embarrassed, and scared that Minho wouldn't want to talk to him anymore.

Hyunjin was just sat there looking like he was witnessing a historical event before his eyes.

Minho let go of Jisung, taking his hand and quickly pulling him out of the room and pulled him into the hallway, not really wanting Hyunjin to hear anything he was about to say. Minho took both of Jisung's hands and looked at the floor.

"Jisung..." He was far too nervous to look at Jisung right now.

"I'm sorry if you felt like I was just playing with you or using you, I didn't mean to. I just didn't think you actually felt anything back, not romantically at least..." Minho stared at the floor, feeling like he should've said something way sooner.

Jisung was surprised at first and almost thought he was lying, but it finally all added up to him.

The fact that Minho basically took care of him for a whole weekend after his brother died was proof enough. On top of that, the way he got so possessive and irritated when him and Hyunjin were playing proved it even further.

Minho wasn't lying one bit, he had really fallen for Jisung.

Jisung stared at Minho for a few more seconds before he engulfed him in a tight hug, setting his chin on Minho's shoulder.

Minho instantly wrapped his arms around Jisung, nuzzling his face into his neck. Minho pulled his head up after a few seconds and spoke.

"Sung, look at me."
Jisung slowly lifted his head still hugging Minho but loosening his grip a little.

The second he lifted his head, he was met by Minho's lips crashing onto his own. Jisung kissed back, raising a hand up to entangle his fingers in Minho's hair.

Minho took a step forward, causing Jisung to stumble back into the wall. That's just what Minho wanted.
Minho grabbed Jisung's hands, pulling them off him and intertwining their fingers before pinning his hands to the wall, all while kissing him.

Jisung chuckled and just went with it, leaning his head further into the kiss as his hands were pinned.

"Hang on." Jisung pulled back from the kiss and pushed his hands off the wall, letting go of one of Minho's hands.

Jisung pulled Minho in his room closing the door behind them.

He pulled Minho on top of him on the bed and got back to kissing him, this time rougher.

By Chance | Minsung ✔️Where stories live. Discover now