Chapter Sixteen : Away From Prying Eyes

Start from the beginning

"Do you think they'll start seeing each other?" Anne asked, her eyes bright and filled with hope.

As much as Sebastian also wanted it for his friends, he was terrified they would come back and nothing would have changed. Or worse. Ominis was annoyingly stubborn and protective, and Sebastian had a dreadful feeling that he was going to dig in his heels and still refuse to be involved with Sabrina.

And then that would be causing a whole new mess.

"I don't know," Sebastian told his sister finally. "I'll ask when he gets back."

Sebastian stayed up until almost one o'clock in the morning waiting for Ominis to return. He was actually starting to panic that he hadn't heard anything or seen Ominis since that morning, and he almost went looking for him except he didn't want to again interrupt what was happening with him and Sabrina.

But Sebastian still tried to keep a positive attitude. Maybe the two had finally been honest with each other. Maybe the reason neither Ominis or Sabrina were back in the common room was because they were catching up after almost five months of not talking to each other. Maybe they had decided to hell with the Gaunts, and they were going to start dating and now they were sealing the deal with naked kisses and warm promises.

Sebastian stuffed his face with a pillow at the thought. If that was the case, he for sure was not going near the Undercroft until he knew they were gone.

Or maybe them being gone for so long was because they had decided they weren't going to date. Maybe Ominis had finally convinced Sabrina that he was bad news and it had taken this long for them to agree. Or maybe they weren't in the Undercroft and instead both had sunk off to separate places to sink and die in agony.

Sebastian rolled over in bed and tried to get some sleep. It was going to be a long night.

From what Sebastian could tell, Ominis had been back to the common room, but he was not there when Sebastian woke up.

Instead of waiting for his sister as he usually did, Sebastian quickly got dressed and rushed to the Great Hall. There he finally found his best friend having breakfast and his normal morning tea at the Slytherin table by himself. It was still quite early in the morning, so hardly anyone had come to breakfast yet. Sebastian rushed over to him and instantly sat down as he took a sip from his teacup. "Ominis, what happened yesterday?"

Ominis put his teacup down on his saucer and grabbed a piece of toast as casual as if he was used to this. "What do you mean, Sebastian?"

"I mean with you and Sabrina!"

"Keep your voice down!" Ominis whispered harshly.

"There's no one here but us!" Sebastian responded, but he did lower his voice. "What happened? Did you guys talk? What did she say? What did you say?"

"I fail to see how that's any of your business." Ominis summoned before summoning a lemon wedge to go in his tea.

Sebastian huffed. "Well, considering that it was my fault—"

"Well at least you acknowledge that!"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Finally showing some emotion, Ominis slammed his silverware on the table and turned his head to face Sebastian. "You dragged me through the entire Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower in front of the entire class!" he began. "You chastised me in front of everyone like I was a child! And then, when we get to the Undercroft, you let me say those embarrassing things in front of Sabrina when I've told you countless times my reasons why I cannot pursue her!"

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