Chapter 23

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"Are you sure that Del would like it?" I turn to Willy, who is currently slurping up the last remnants of his peppermint drink. 

"Yeah man, why wouldn't she?" We're currently in some random gift shop that currently sells some of the most random shit I have ever seen. But here I am still on a mission to find the most amazing gift for my girlfriend four days before Christmas. I also plan to take her on a date Christmas Eve and to say that I'm not scared to death would be the biggest lie. Sure we've been for coffee dates and brunch but not like fancy-dress-expensive-dinner-date. So you can kind of see what I'm getting at.

Seeing as Willy and Delaney wear matching bracelets I knew that that was off the books. I also wasn't too sure if Laney would have thought it was too soon for a promise ring, so I went with a safe option; a necklace. The one I had picked had a dainty star charm which I saw fit because well Laney is in love with the stars plus I wouldn't need much convincing if you told me she hung the stars. 

I decided to take the plunge and just buy it. I mean what's the worst that could happen... she doesn't like it? 

As we make our way out of the shop I'd say it was just our luck that we bumped into Frankie and Laney who have their hands full of bags. 

"Why hello there ladies... shall I be worried about what is in those bags?" Willy greets Frankie with a kiss and is quick to negotiate what bags he can take off her. 

"No, you shall not," Laney stands on her tippy toes and kisses me, "how are you?"

"I'm awesome now that you're here, are you ready to head home?"

"Yes, I'm so cold," now that I'm paying attention Delaney is shivering a lot. The last few days had consisted of minor blizzards which have cleared for now leaving the town coated in a few inches of snow. Knowing that there's still a bit of a walk to the car I undo my puffer jacket and take off my flannel shacket (which is one of my many layers). I quickly give it to Delaney who practically drowns in it, I watch her do her puffer back up. 


"Yes thank you," she leans into a hug and I'm quick to embrace. Once we had gathered everything and everyone we headed back to my car which was a few streets away but only about a five-minute walk away.

As Willy practically wrestles Delaney to the ground for shotgun, I simply look to Frnakie in the back seat and roll my eyes.

"Clearly you don't love me as much as I thought you did," Frankie's dramatics voices itself from the back seat. Obviously, she is offended by the lack of excitement Willy has to sit in the back with her.

"Oh baby, you know I didn't mean it like that and sitting with you sounds a million times better than sitting with Aug."

Willy and Laney quickly take their places and I get the heater cranking. Laney has adorable red cheeks and a red nose from the cold. We all must, seeing as Willy has brighter red cheeks than he usually does in the rink and Frankie's deep tan skin has a redder tint to it.

Willy and Frankie decide to head back to her place seeing as her Dad is working shift tonight. Both bid us goodbye as they hop out of the car and I finally get my girlfriend to myself. 

I clear my throat, suddenly nervous, " I was wondering if maybe you would like to go on On Christmas Eve? And it's ok if you don't we can stay in or-"

"Yes Gus, I will go on a date with you.

Seeing as we are now pulled up at a red light she leans over the console to kiss me. God I love it when she kisses me like that. Strong but still passionate. Quick but filled with love. 

"I love you," she whispers 

"I love you."

Even though we practically said those words before we were dating we don't say them often and every single time it takes me off guard. Like the Delaney Hughes is in love with me. Sometimes I notice how nervous she gets when she's around me. I notice that she notices the stares we get when we're together, at school or downtown. It nibs at my heart when I realise now and again how much she cares about what others think of her. 

I just wish she could see what I see. The amazing, strong, funny, formidable girl she wishes she saw in the mirror. She is all those things and more to me. I hope that I can give her everything she wants because she deserves the world. 

I see her climbing out of her shell more and more every day. Sometimes I'll see her making conversation with someone she wouldn't usually and I notice that she pays full attention to them whether they're talking about their weekend or how the universe was formed. I don't mind who she's talking to because I acknowledge the effect it has had on her vibe lately. Laney's much more welcoming to talking openly about things and she talks a lot more.

I'm proud of her. 


Tonight is the night. I'm going borderline psychotic trying to make sure everything is set for tonight because I want it to be perfect. I want Delaney to see how much I love her. I wanted her to be happy. 

So as I'm standing on her porch I'm nervously crapping myself waiting for her to come out. 

"Ohhh... I'm so excited. My babies are grown up," I snap my gaze from my shoes to Beth's face when I hear her eulogies from the door. From behind I spot Laney half running half putting on her last shoe. 

She looks absolutely stunning and my breath is knocked out of my lungs. I feel my palms begin to become sweaty and shaky. 

"Ok, goodbye Mum," Delaney tries her hardest to get out of there as quickly as she can but Beth has other plans. 

"Bye sweety, I expect that Rosie debriefed you already but Del knows the rules; you have to tell me everything that happened. Love ya's and have fun!" With that, she practically slams the door in our faces. 

I gather myself and embrace Laney, "Wow... you look stunning."

She does look truly stunning in her gorgeous dress, which I think is one of my new favourites, it's a deep blue that contrasts well with her light hair. She has a tan blazer over the top which is good because the forecasted snow hasn't shown up yet.

"You don't look so bad yourself," standing up on her tippy toes she gives me a quick peck as she usually does. 

I am wearing a dress shirt with an overcoat and some slacks overall I would say our ability to unintentionally coordinate our outfits is a true talent. 

I help her into the car and we head for the restaurant that's the next town over. Part of the reason I did that was 1, there was less likely we'd get recognised and interrupted and 2, the town would hear about it before we had even set one foot in the door. 

We both settle in for the next twenty-five-minute drive with a basic conversation and the constant reminder in the back of my head about how lucky I am to have this girl. 

Hey everybody, sorry about my weak updating schedule. It will not be improving itself over the summer holidays seeing as I have to give my laptop back so I get a new one next year, I have no idea how I will update but trust where there is a will there is a way. I'll try to get one out soonish.

Love lu xx

Song; Dress (🥵) - Taylor Swift

Words; 1267 

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