Chapter 4

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Damn it. Laying in my bed trying to shut my brain down for the night was not going to plan. I was still haunted by Gus and I's conversation. He was mad at Peter; clearly, it wouldn't be for the same reasons as me but it was so hot the way he made me feel... something. It was a weird, strange feeling. 

We used to be super close and it would be our special group, Willy, Gus and I. I don't remember the last time I called him Gus to his face. Probably the summer after 8th grade started. Also the time I started to catch feelings. But I put a stop to those as quickly as I could by shutting him out and becoming even closer to Frankie and Blake. If that was possible. Willy took a notice to my liking and I made him swear to secrecy, which worked because Willy would never tell a single soul if I asked him to.  

Anyways, my blocking out August was best because when he moved into high school he got super cocky and probably would have laughed in my face about my stupid little crush. In his own time, aside from everything he would try and talk to me but it would only be when no one cool would see him talking to dorky me. To be fair not many boys would. It wasn't until junior year that I received an infamous 'glow up' or just plain old puberty finally maturing me fully. That grew my popularity from 'Willy's dorky twin' to 'Willy's hot sister' and my popularity soared to new heights.  

The first thing you should know about me is that I like to keep things within my control and the second they aren't, I shut down. Take the Peter situation for show. As August said I got drunk out of my mind (which never happens) and my anxiety peaked in the past week making me constantly on edge. When I first started dating Peter I realised it posed a risk under my control but I begged him to keep it private for a few weeks. He did which I was grateful for but ever since then, I was a thing for him to flaunt. 

I'm taken away from my thoughts when I felt the bed dip beside me. I turn my head to the side and realise it was Frankie. She would usually stay with Willy but some nights she might come and sleep with me. I don't mind and my parents trust both of them enough to be safe and aware of their actions, so they don't mind when she stays. 

"You seemed upset earlier so I thought I better check in on you. And when you didn't answer me the past five times I called your name two seconds ago, I decided that I'm going to stay with you tonight," Frankie makes herself comfortable pulling me into an odd side hug. 

"I'm just tried that's all."

"That's not just all, Del. I've noticed the small things you've been doing this past week. Figity, constantly on edge. I'm not blind and neither is Willy." I roll my eyes at that. of course she brings my brother into this, also makes me spill but I hold back a little. 

"Fine, this whole Peter thing may be taking a toll on me but it's fine because I'm gonna end it just not right now."

"Ok, thank you but if not now when?"

"I don't know," I shrug and turn over noticing August standing at his window. He does it every night, not that he has a lot of views from his windows, it's just mine. I think about it a bit harder, "I guess I could do it tomorrow, he's meant to be coming over with some of the guys from the team to watch some plays."

"I think the sooner you get it over with the sooner you're going to be happy again. I saw the way Peter brought you down and no offense I've been praying for this day ever since."

"Why didn't you say anything or stop me?"

"Because I was over the moon that the guy you liked since 10th grade asked you out. Then I realised how much he brought you down and everything Willy ever said about him started to make sense. I didn't want you to go out with him anymore but then I saw how happy you got talking about him in the first few months. School finished and over the summer you guys were constantly hanging out, I still remember the comments he made about you at the beach when you weren't around." 

Those words struck a nerve and suddenly I realised why Frankie had never been directly supportive of my relationship. Sure she'd been surrportive of me, every single step of the way; but I'd never heard her true opinion on Peter. 

"Is that why you or August always seemed to be over 'visititing William' whenever Peter was over?" I ask. 

"Nooo... yes actually," I couldn't see her face but I could tell she was ashamed. 

I laugh, "I cannot believe you got August in on this. But please don't be ashamed because I'm sure I would have done so much more damage if it was you in my shoes." 

She gigles, "I love you."

"More then Willy?"

"More then Willy."

"You're my soulmate, bitch and I hope my brother marries you. I love you," if I could marry her I totally would.  

This chapters song is a perfect one for Delaney's and Frankie's friendship...

Song - Fifteen : Taylor Swift

P.s - don't worry there will be plenty of Blake moments as well, I just think this was the perfect opportunity to show these girls story. 

Words - 913 

❤️ lu

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