Chapter 6

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The girls had comforted me all night and I had been nothing but appreciative of them. However, I was overwhelmed by all the attention they were giving me. After my discussion with Frankie a couple of nights ago I didn't take any action to break up with him because he'd taken me out for dinner with his parents and I felt blindsided. This could have been avoided if I had just done it. Taken responsibility. 

I decide to get up and walk down to the kitchen to hopefully clear my head. After what had felt like hours lost in my own head and being down in the kitchen; I'd lost it. Silently though because I knew that the boys were just in the other room and would be able to hear me.  An unknown feeling had toppled over me and everything had come crashing down. Struggling to keep my breakdown quiet I started to gasp for some air. 

He hadn't loved me enough so he went to someone else. You weren't loveable enough that he found someone more loveable. Will you ever be loved? You'll never be- 

"Hey, hey, Laney," there's a voice and a presence that sits next to me. I only take note of the nickname and that's how I know exactly who it is. "I'm here, can you take some deep, slow breaths for me? Please?" 

I try but it doesn't work making me hyperventilate more. "Shit, Laney, here lean into me," I slowly yet unsurely lean my head onto his shoulder and he immediately wraps his arm around my shoulder. I start to calm down at the feel of his touch. I'm able to concentrate a bit more. 

"Good girl," I hear him whisper under his breath noticeably calming down as well. "Can you try focus on what's around you? Hang on, focus on me."

I breathe out and take in what he's wearing, "You're wearing shorts and a hoodie, you have blonde hair," look into his eyes immediately getting lost in them. Like I always do. "And you have blue eyes."

"Good job," he gives me a kiss on my head. "What about you list some facts about yourself?"

Another breath in, "My name is Delaney, I was born in October, and I have a twin brother and two best friends," I can finally breathe. And hopefully make a joke, "Plus a super annoying neighbour."

He laughs, "There's my Laney." 

Too tired to move I feel him move. Then suddenly he's carrying me up the stairs. I tell him quietly to take me to Willy's room so I don't wake the girls up. 

"Thank you," I whisper unsure if he even heard me as he walks back out. 


A few weeks later; 1st Game

August and I had gone back to our normal selves. Normal being him constantly annoying me and me putting him back into his place. I think P-you know who- really did way down on my personality and I can see why Frankie was so concerned. Tonight however was a night we'd been waiting for for months. The first game of the season. 

Frankie was down with Willy to wish him luck as a part of their usual game ritual. Blake and I being the single ladies we are were up in our seats ready to enjoy the game. Tonight we have it pretty easy since the team we are versing was at the bottom of the ladder last season. I see Frankie on her way up the stairs which must mean the boys are starting soon. 

"I'm just going to get some food. Do you guys want anything?" She asks on her way past but we both went earlier so we are stocked. As she walks off Blake and I indulge in a conversation. 

"See anyone standing out tonight, Blake?" She usually uses game nights as a real-life dating app. 

"There was a guy earlier that I bumped into until I realised he was from the other team," she makes a funny face and shakes her head. "What about you? Or are you still... you know... morning a relationship?" 

"No... I think I just want to focus on getting me right first. Plus it feels like months since I've just hung out with you guys alone and not at a party or anything." 

"So no Delgust?"

"WHAT!?!?" I almost choke on my drink. 

"Frankie's idea, not mine!" 

At that very second Frankie arrives. "What was my idea?"

"What the hell is Delgust?" I ask even though I have a pretty good idea. 

"Oh... only my favourite thing in the world and the name of the ship I happen to be the captain of," she smiles, as if proud of herself. I just roll my eyes before I see the boys skating out. 

The rest of the game goes by smoothly but by the time the third period rolls around I notice that Gus has been pretty heated this whole time. Particularly towards you know who. It was odd after we had broken up because Gus had been sharing the same anger I had towards him. Besides our constant bickering, he has made an effort to keep checking in with me. I mean I am fine but clearly, he didn't get the memo. I think he's just trying to through blankets over my barbed wire. 

It seems that all of his pent-up anger is let out when Peter says what seems like his final words to a pissed of August. Gus goes straight for Peter's face with his fist knocking him to the ground. There are gasps all around the arena but Gus keeps giving Peter blow after blow until Willy is finally able to pull him off. Now pissed off at Willy he gives him a bit of a shove before skating off the ice and into the tunnels. He lets out a frustrated groan that echoes over the loud crowd.  The girls and I sit in a bit of shock unsure of what to do. 

Across the ice in the stands I see August's Mum and sister with weird looks on their faces. They both stand and rush down to see if they'll be able to catch August. 

Wrote this in my textiles class. Hope you enjoyed it! Probably needs fixing but alls well...

Song: Chanmpange Problems - Taylor Swift

Words: 1031 

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