Chapter 9

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Tonight I had planned to meet with Laney to go over our English project. However, first I had to sit through a gruelling family dinner. Now I love my family but sometimes I hate how much of a big deal it is to my Mum when my sister comes from Oregon. She has made Norah and I both get dressed up in our nicest clothes for one of the most excellent restaurants in town. 

This evening's dinner was a little different because usually, our sister comes down for a couple of days by herself. Unfortunately, so are her three kids and her husband, Thomas, who has also arranged for his parents to come. Now don't get me wrong I love Thomas, he's been more than amazing to my sister and does everything in his power to be his best for her, however, his family is on a whole other level. When I think my Mum is overbearing I remind myself Thomas's Mother is ten million times worse. 

"Come on, Norah, Auggie. We need to get going, the Grahams are already there," I hear Mum shout from her room into the corridor. Hopefully, this dinner is quick and painless. 

I fix my collar and blazer before getting into the passenger seat. I watch Norah's face drop when she steps out of the front door spotting me as the shotgun. Norah looks strikingly similar to my Mum when she was younger and is incredibly beautiful. That means unfortunately for me I have to be all the more protective of her when it comes to boys. 

I see my Mother walk out a couple of minutes later and immediately compliment her pink floral dress. Before Norah could. It was always a contest of who could be Mum's favourite between us. But I'm pretty sure it'll always be neither because Sophia, the eldest, has always proven us wrong. 

The car ride is pretty much silent until I hear Norah giggle at something on her phone. "That better not be a boy," I say catching Mum's attention who just lets out an 'oo'ing noise. 

"No, it is not, August. It's actually Delly," She and Delaney both have unique nicknames for each other that they made up years ago. "I love that someone shares the same views on you that I do. Probably the only person in this damn town," She says that last bit under her breath but I still catch it rolling my eyes. 

"No need to be so mean," but Norah just laughs from the back seat as more texts come through. I take this opportunity to open my messages;

Laney Lane

Me; Thanks for bonding with my sister over your hate for me

Laney Lane; No problem! Tell Sophia I say hi and that I've missed her

Me; Only if you tell me if Norah has a boyfriend

Laney Lane; Norsie and I have a pact but my comment on this issue is no comment

Me; Delaney... 

Laney Lane; Fine, the answer is no. I was just pulling your leg. Enjoy dinner ;)

I shut off my phone when I realise we're pulling into a car park and silently prepare myself for dinner. 


After finding our spots and greeting everyone we all get distracted by the menu. Unsure what to get I get the same thing as Norah which is some pasta dish. Thomas, Norah and I are all seated at the end of the table. 

Thomas and Pia started dating in the early years of their College meaning Thomas has been around since I was ten-ish. They had their first kid, Jameson, a couple of weeks after they graduated and he is now seven. Jameson is very similar to Thomas and has his sights set on an NFL career when he's older. Thomas had an exceptional football career growing up in Pennsylvania but decided it wasn't what he wanted to do in the long run after blows of injuries. He now likes to coach Jameson's teams aside from work. 

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