Chapter 22

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Once we arrived at the party Gus and Wilson were soon swept away by his teammates to do some rounds. That also meant Blake and I were left to our own devices. Well Blake was, I was just there for the ride. 

I followed her into the kitchen area where most of the food and drinks were. Clearly, we're both not stupid enough to actually eat it so we leave it to its rightful untouched place. As we stalk further into the house we are greeted with the lovely stench of sweating bodies and alcohol. 

"Heeeelllllooooo Blake and Blake's friend."

"Johnnyyyy, this is Delaney...Nate's sister," She seems unsure about adding on the last part.

"Well hello there Delaney, any friend of Blake is a friend of mine. Can I interest you in a drink?" Johny smirks with a tempting tone in his voice. He may not know who I am but I know exactly who he is. Johnny is not only the class clown but is notorious for throwing some of the biggest ragers this town has seen. Of course, he would know my brother because of Johnny's ability to get his hands on any and every kind of alcohol whenever you needed it. Nate was also a regular at Johnny's house seeing as they were both on our school football team's roster. 

I look to Blake, we hadn't discussed drinking tonight but she gives me a nod, "We'll have one. We're not looking to get smashed," she leans in, "plus Delly's a lightweight, her boyfriend will kill me."

"Boyfriend, I see, I take it as a no to getting it on with freak in the sheets, Johnny." Before I can help it the loudest crackle comes out of my mouth. This man must be humbled. 

A voice approaches from behind, "Hi Freak-in-the-Sheets Johnny, I'm Eighth-Month-of-the-Year August; her boyfriend." We all turn and give him odd looks, "What I thought we were making up sucky names for ourselves. I saw you making my girlfriend laugh so I made my way over here, thought you might have a better sense of humour than me and I got worried."

"Do not fret August, I would never let Freak here steal your girl. Johnny is simply an old friend of mine who offered us a drink," Blake defends me which I'm grateful for. 

"Babe I would say I am a lot more than simply an old friend to you." Johnny winks and if it could not get any weirder he pulls her hand to his mouth for a kiss. Gus and I look at each other in disgust. 

Those two seem to get caught up in their own conversation whilst Wilson storms into the room. He has an unreadable expression on his face as he spots us. He continues his heavy strids towards us but Gus is quick to grab a hold of him. "What's up, man? Calm down."

"You know what's up. I'm making sure he doesn't put his filthy hands on her." 

"Come on he hasn't done anything, just simple chat..." 

I start to wonder who they're talking about and am about to ask before Blake stands right beside me. "What's up his ass?"

"I don't know, I was just gonna ask but Gus has him under control now." I look over and make eye contact with Gus. He gives me a signal that we're gonna get out of here which I think is for the best, it doesn't seem like anyone is in the mood for partying. 

Once we make it back to Gus' car we all hop in. Myself and Gus in the front with Blake and Wilson in the back. They both sit as far as possible as they can from each other and stare out the window. Briefly, I catch Blake's eye and mouth a quick 'Are you ok?' to her. She nods in response and I let it go. For now. 


We dropped Wilson off at his place on the way back earlier meaning now we are home and Blake is snuggled inside my bed with me as we gossip our night away. It's now one in the morning and we have a fest in front of us that consists of choc chip cookies and a tub of frosting. Now that I'm delusional as hell and remembering random things I finally get around to asking her about what happened earlier. 

"Soooo... Blake," She gives me her full attention after regaining her composure from giggles, "Do you wanna tell me what earlier was about?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about," if you can't we are both on a sugar high from all the crap we've eaten. 

I know she does just by the smiles she is so terribly trying to hide. "It's pretty obvious you like him, Blake."

"I do not like him," I give her a look, "I like his..."

She stops and suddenly I pick up what she's putting down. "Oh my fucking gosh. BLAKE."

"No, NO, I'm sorry I didn't mean that. I mean sure he is very, very easygoing in the eyes but I don't know. He's a hottie, nice personality, his sister is probably my favourite thing about him though." 

"Really Blake..."

"Finneeee, he treats me so well when we talk and he is genuinely nice. But you know me commitment scares me and it's all he wants. He struggles a lot and I don't want to be unreliable for him."

Willy doesn't talk about Wilson a lot I mean I've heard snippets of conversations that he's had with my parents so obviously there's a story there. If Blake honestly believed that she couldn't be there for him I think she would be fighting this idea more than she actually is. When Blake lets herself love someone she becomes the most beautiful soul and is so happy in her life. It happened once with Nate and it's noticeable in our group. Loyalty is something that is never far from Blake's grasp. It means the world to her. 

I give her a side hug but she knows I would give her the world if I could. She deserves someone who would do the same forever and more...

This chap was mostly about Blake and I fully realise that but really let's be honest she's the favourite. I'm building up her storyline in hopes of something for her but I have to make it out of this one alive. At the moment I am quite literally on my deathbed with Covid but hopefully, over the week I'll get more to you.


Song: Suburban Legends - Taylor Swift

Words: 1025

P.s welcome to all the new readers there have been this week. love you guys <3 

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