Chapter 15

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Sitting in the quad is nice. It would be even nicer if Mila would back the fuck up. She might as well be sitting on top of me but no, she's squashed herself in beside Wilson and me when we were in the middle of a deep and meaningful conversation. It wasn't. It was about the up-and-coming game, but still. 

I've just about had it when she has the nerve to go and bat those stupidly long (and fake) eyelashes at me. Jesus. She just doesn't get it, I hope Laney doesn't see how ridiculously close we are and take it the wrong way. Mila would have to be up there in Laney's burn book. Probably right next to Peter. Who, I notice across the table, has another girl hanging off his arm. Great. So he ditched Mila and now she's clawed her way to me. I know how those kinds of girls work. 

I'm about to push Mila off the bench when I hear a growl from across the table. There sits William Hughes witnessing the whole thing. Mila is probably in his burn book as well. "Back off Mila, they're both clearly uncomfortable."

Mila seems offended and clearly clueless, "I think Gussy here was enjoying it very much," she has the nerve to reach out and stroke my arm. Gross.

"It's August to you, don't call me that," I dunno what passed her to call me that because I just got the biggest ick in the history of icks. It's too close to Laney's nickname and besides when Mila does not have the same effect when she says it. 

Fortunately for me, Mila seems to get the hint but unfortunately for Wilson, she latches on to him. Wilson is probably not her type personality-wise, however, she tends to only go for hockey players. Which Wilson definitely is. 

James Wilson has been a heart-throb since we meet him in Freshmen year. I mean sometimes I wish I was a girl just so I could get with him. But hey let's not get carried away here. He's a typical 6'3 jock with deep brown hair, freckles and golden eyes. I know, like me, Wilson has several college scholarships lined up for him across the country. Although, I'm not quite sure if he's ready to ditch his already struggling family just yet. However, he's suck an awesome guy in general and I'm certainly one to swoon but I hope that one day Wilson finds the one for him. 

I spot his annoyed expression until, fortunately, the bell rings meaning he is literally saved by the bell. I say my goodbyes to the guys and I head to my next class already ready for this day to be over. 


The rest of the day had been a drag but it is officially time to see Laney. I had made sure to freshen up after training since I don't think Laney would have appreciated me being sweaty and smelly. 

I finally arrive on Laney's front porch and before I even get the chance to knock the door pops open with Laney standing there in jeans and a tight-fitting tank top. It looks like the same set of jeans she wore at school today however I have never seen that top before and suddenly my mouth works faster than my brain,  "That top looks amazing, Laney."

We're both a little take back that I just said that. I think I surprised myself. She blushes and gushes to herself. I love that I can do that, "Uhhh... thanks? I've had it for a while."

I didn't want to weird her out anymore so I suggest we head inside. It's a little awkward with Laney on crutches but we make it to the kitchen and dining area where Elizabeth is. 

"Hello, my beautiful boy, Auggie," the one thing about Betty Hughes is that behind her stubbornness, she'll always make you feel welcome. She comes over and gives me a hug whilst I have to bend down a little to appreciate it fully. I spot Laney from the dining table silently watching us and we lock eyes for a couple of seconds before Betty sparks up more conversation. It's mostly about hockey but I'm grateful to talk to someone who actually knows the logistics of it. Unlike my own Mum (she tries her best though).  

Laney clears her throat from across the room seemingly ready to start what I came here for, studying. We do most of the finalising before dinner is ready but Laney wants to do one more touch-up after dinner 'just to make sure'. We talk all the way through dinner whilst we catch Betty up on the latest gossip and she catches us up on the adult gossip. I would like to say it was a well-rounded dinner apart from the fact that Laney was eying me practically all night. 

Laney and I decide to keep working at the dining table just because it's easier than her having to hobble upstairs. Once Delaney finally decides that it's up to her standards we finish up and it looks like Laney wants to ask something but truly fighting against it.

I decide to help her along, "What?"


"It looks like there is a war going on in your mind Delaney. I can practically hear your thoughts."

"I wasn't sure if maybe you wanted to stay for a movie... but it's ok don't feel pressured or anyt-"

"I would love to watch a movie. Although it is definitely my turn to pick," I send her a wink when I tell her the name. 

I sit there amused watching her scroll through Netflix trying to find it. She's definitely annoyed that she agreed to let me pick the movie. Dare I say that it is the best movie to ever exist? It is and anyone who doesn't see it is not ready to see the facts. 

The opening scene starts as a deep voice rings through the lounge room, "... Yeah, what Superman? Come at me, bro. I'm your Kryptonite..." 

That's right, it's The Lego Batman Movie. 

"Why?" I hear Laney's quiet voice from beside me.

"Cause, Laney, why not, I'm an eighteen-year-old boy who is deeply in love with this movie. Have you ever watched it?"

"...No, not fully anyways, only bits and pieces when I've walked in on Willy watching it."

"Yeah, we watch it every time we hang out."


"Dead-set. Now shh... you'll love it," I whisper the last part in her ear and the reaction I get out of her was not what I was expecting. I thought she'd tell me to back off and leave her alone. Instead, she turns her head and looks me in the eyes almost begging for something and bites her lip. I'm such a goner. "Don't look at me like that, Laney. You don't know the effect it has on me," I hear her breath catch.

I feel the urge to bring her closer and I don't bother fighting it. We are now fully lying down with Laney on top of me (in a non-sexual way guys!) and halfway through the movie, I feel her breaths even out. I take that as a hint that she's asleep and I feel a warmness in my heart knowing she trusts me enough to do so. I turn the volume down on the TV but still loud enough that I can hear it. 

I don't really pay attention to the movie though. I'm too busy looking at the most beautiful girl in the world to know what's going on. I only snap out of my haze when I hear the lounge room door open. 

It's Willy. He gives me a big smile and whispers, "Hey bro. I hope she's not squishing you." I just give a weak laugh and shake my head making sure not to wake the beauty up. I notice he takes his phone out and I don't realise what he's doing until a bright flashlight flares. That asshole. He's laughing his ass off and I'm trying to tell him to be quiet but that's making it worse.

"Shut the fuck up, dude. You'll wake her up!" I whisper shout trying to keep my movements to a minimum. 

"Frankie is going to love this, damn I wish she were here right now. Dude, you are so down bad for my sister and she doesn't even know. Get your act together it's been what, 5 years? A crush for five years? I can't," He's about to piss himself as he walks out the door finally giving us peace. Asshole. 

I feel Laney stir beneath me but settle in. Looks like this is where I'll be sleeping tonight. But really, whos complaining...

⬆️ Probably Laney's self-conscious. But who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️. Also, can we pleeeeaaassee talk about the 1989 TV announcement and cover? I cried (the meaning and hidden hints 😭). I cannot wait and I'm so happy for her...

Anyways, thanks for the awesome spike in readers these past couple of days. The activity is so inspiring and motivational. Love yas xx

Song: I almost do - Taylor Swift

Words: 1448

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