Chapter 12

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I have to be the stupidest person on planet Earth. No, in fact, this entire universe. There is no way in hell that I will ever come back from this. 

I am currently on the floor of a bathroom, at a party that has music louder than Jupiter's thunder. Sporting what probably has to be a broken ankle. Fucking amazing. 

As I was walking out of the bathroom, my clumsiness got the better of me mixing with a puddle of god knows what and taking my legs out from underneath me landing helplessly on my foot the wrong way. The pain is crippling and it feels like my foot is going to paralyse itself. I had let out a few loud cries but nothing would have been able to get out over the top of those damn speakers. Suddenly no one needs to go to the toilet seeing as there is no banging on the door to tell me to hurry up. Great. 

As I was trying to receive help I tried to at least open the door. However, luck was not on my side because the freaking nob dropped into my hands. Yes, dropped. Didn't even touch it. 

Sitting for what feels like years in the most pain I have ever been is... humbling; for lack of a better word. It would have at least been ten minutes since I left the girls. I may not be in the completely right mind, due to a couple of drinks, however, I haven't missed any of the looks that Gus has sent my way tonight. Full of lust, pleas and... love? No, the alcohol must have had a bigger effect on my brain than originally first thought. August Carter would never love me. Why would he when he can have any girl he ever dreamed of?

"DEL! Are you in there?" Oh, thank the heavens. I will survive. It's Willy's worried voice that gets me though. I must have really scared him. 

"Willy! Yes, it's me I can't move," to be honest because I had been sitting here for the past fifteen minutes with searing pain I had kind of forgotten about the ankle situation. A flood of relief pounds through my body when I see the door fling open. I think the same relief flushes through Willy because he immediately comes to help me. 

"What the hell happened?"

"Just a pang of bad luck. I slipped in a puddle of god knows what and then when I tried to open the door the freaking knob fell off."

Willy just laughs. The pure nerve of him to laugh. I see August practically fly into the bathroom and he immediately starts helping me. "I have never been happier to see you in my life," I half joke when Gus slings his arm over my shoulder before following Willy's instructions to get me out of there. 

By the time we end up back at our cars, my foot is in so much pain I can barely handle it anymore. I started bawling my eyes out the minute we reached fresh air and said a few expletives to Willy and Gus more than once. Once we get to the cars Lusia, Frankie, Blake and Wilson are all there with concerned looks on their faces. 

We quickly sort out who's going in what car with Frankie taking mine and dropping Blake, Luisa and Wilson off. She'd probably meet us back at the hospital with my car later on. I didn't want the others to be stuck in a waiting room for hours so I practically had to beg them, bribing them with updates every thirty minutes, to go home. 

"You guys didn't have to stop having fun," I really hope I didn't ruin their nights. When you have the school's top two hockey players holding onto you and walking you at the door, you are bound to get more attention than one could bargain for. However, I ignored the glares and scowls from every girl in the room, I was in too much pain to notice. 

"It was going to be an early night for us anyways Del. And besides, what's more fun than looking after my baby sister with a broken ankle," I glare at Willy. I'm barely his baby sister; 4 minutes baby sister to be exact. But I know he's just doing it to distract me. 

Gus, however, sits in the front seat quietly with a sombre look on his face. He's been acting weird all night, barely saying a word to me, eyeing me at the party and now telling Willy to step on the gas. 


My parents meet us at the hospital and to say that my mum was in hysterics would be a lie. Imagine hysterics then times it by ten. After a bit of waiting, an x-ray, more scans and more waiting, a doctor finally got to me basically confirming all of our suspicions. Non-displaced joint fractures in my right ankle. Super fun right? 

No mentions of surgery but I now wear a short leg cast which I have to wear until further notice. Pain in my ass. I mean it could be worse and I'm grateful it wasn't however, it means I can't drive meaning I will have to catch a ride with Willy or Gus. Great. 

In the mornings I like to have my car to myself so I can mentally prepare myself for the day ahead. I will not be getting peace with either of them. I practically saw August jumping for joy when he heard I might be carpooling with him. After I got the x-ray done I, along with my parents and brother, begged August to go home because he was basically falling asleep in the chair but he refused every time. He's still keeping his eye on me even in the safety of Willy's car on the drive home. Frankie had also met us back in the hospital before I'd gotten my cast on when Willy had gone to pick her up after she had dropped my car off. 

I thank everyone for staying up late looking out for me even though they didn't have to as I wobble my way inside on crutches. Once everyone heads inside, I stay outside to talk with Gus for a bit. 

"Thanks for staying with us tonight. You know you didn't have to, I wouldn't have been offended," a smile grows on his lips giving me a small laugh. God, he's so hot standing there with his fingers latched in his jeans and his whole appearance altogether. Wait. He's hot. August is so painfully beautiful, gorgeous, cute, pretty, handsome and I'm standing here like an idiot with a broken foot only now realising what a mistake I have made. 

This is so utterly inconvenient. 

I cannot catch feelings for him again. It's the whole reason there was a drift between us in the first place. I catch myself slipping, falling. And just for a second, I see his guard slip, almost as if I'm watching him fall. 

Annnnnnndddd that is all for tonight <3 Sorry for slacking off with updates but they're coming, trust. I also finished all of the off-campus series and I. Am. In. LOVE. Garrett is the blueprint but Dean is the loml.

Song: So It Goes - Taylor Swift

Words: 1180

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