Chapter 3

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Mad would be an understatement right now. I am so mad that Coach had to send me off the ice before I ruined my hopes of getting on the ice for the first game of the season in a couple of weeks. Peter was making sure everybody saw his 'super-cool tricks'. I was about to show him a super cool trick that ended in me punching him in the face. 

I also am hideously mad at Peter because of the stunts he pulled at the party last night. Those stunts are him feeling up Claire whilst being in a relationship with Laney. What made it worse was that Laney didn't even seem fazed. I mean she was drunk out of her mind but I guess that should have been the first red flag; she never gets drunk like that, especially on a school night. 

So when the practice was over I got out of there as soon as I could without sparing a second for a shower which I will easily do in the privacy of my own home and without the team bombarding me with questions. 


Pulling into my driveway I grab my food from the front seat. I took a quick detour to get some but I finish up my drink putting it in the bin before I take the bin to the street. Annnndddd... guess who I see? My favourite person in the whole world, Delaney Hughes. She spots me as soon as she walks out her door. Laney doesn't take this as the opportunity to have her little rant session about me to my face. Which is unusual. 

"Yeah... no," she runs her eyes down my body. She's gorgeous standing there in her sweats even if she will forever think not. 

"Mmm... yes. You might have to elaborate if you want me to match your energy. You could pick on so many things right now."

"I'm not in the mood for this," once she places the bin on the side and goes to turn around. Odd. She usually will stand here with me for 20 minutes before she's done. I grab her wrist before she jerks it back. 

"Don't think I don't know somethings wrong. Because a) you would have never missed the opportunity to rant about me, b) you got drunk out of your mind last night and lastly you didn't even get mad at Peter for feeling up Claire at that party."

"Fine. Maybe my life hasn't been peaches and rainbows but there's no need for you to get up in my business."

"That's where your wrong Laney, it is my business when you start acting out because if you're not there to keep me in line then who will? Come over here and take a seat with me." She thinks about it for a second before making her mind up. 

Taking a seat on the very uncomfortable curb of the road we both sit in silence for a moment before she speaks, "I hate when you call me Laney. Why can't you be normal and like everyone else and call me Del?"

"Because when have I ever been known to be normal and I don't like that no one else got creative with your name? Plus I like it when you squirm and pull me up on it. It makes you do this hot mum stance when you tell me off," I look over and wink at her. She rolls her eyes like usual before settling into a resting sad face. 

I don't hear her talk for a while before I hear her clear her throat, "Before the party Peter was meant to pick me up for a date. Basically, he stood me up and I ended up walking to Scotts for the party. I ended up getting super drunk after I saw Peter walking in with Claire. I guess I didn't say anything because firstly my reputation would not have stayed intact for what I would have done and secondly I've realised what a mistake it was agreeing to be his girlfriend and I was also blessed with a god-awful hangover," she pauses, "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to be sorry. Actually, the only thing you should be sorry for is dating an ass of a guy," I try to joke but as I look her in the eyes I can see there a bit watery. "No, no, no, don't cry I didn't mean to," I bring her shoulder in and wrap my arm around her. We stay like that for a few seconds before we hear a car coming around the corner. I realise it's Willy when Laney quickly composes herself and stands up. 

"Thanks and I'm sorry again." Before I get the chance to say anything she's off. I notice Frankie in the passenger seat when she gets out. Frankie looks over and gives me a knowing look, in return I give her an unsure shoulder. I think she gets the message before heading in after Laney. 

"Hey man, you were out of the rink pretty quick tonight. My bet was Peter but I wasn't sure." 

"Yeah, um, Laney's pretty upset about it so you should probably go have one of those meaningful twin remedy things you do," I say before waving goodbye. Willy and Laney have always had a relationship that I will never understand. Apart from the fact that they can literally read each other's minds they seem to be able to feel each other's pain. I mean I have two sisters, one being ten years older with kids and the other with serious teenage attitude syndrome and freshly fourteen, I'm grateful I will never have to deal with their pain.  


Finishing up homework and studying every possible hockey play I decide it's time to turn in for the night. I do my nightly routine minus the shower since I had one earlier:

Brush teeth, get changed; annoy sister, Norah, one last time for today; give my room a once over; beg the dog to sleep with me instead of Norah; and finally check up on Laney's window out mine. 

I'm in love with August Carter 😍. I hope you liked this chapter, please vote or comment or share with your friends 💋.

Lu xx

Song - Gorgeous: Taylor Swift 

Words - 1010

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