Chapter 21

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Tonight's game is tough. Mentally and physically. We're up against one of our biggest rivals, Frozen Flames. To say they're good would be the biggest understatement of all time. Not only that but they're also hella dirty. 

Good thing we know how to play dirty as well.  

It seems as though they paid off tonight's refs. We seem to be getting penalties for even breathing too close to a player. Obviously, that's only fueled the fire more taking us from secretly dirty hits to full-blown fights. For most of the game, I have done my best to stay out of trouble, which I have been doing for the past few weeks since my 'mistake' (as they like to say) with Peter. Damed if it will ever be classed as a 'mistake'. Peter had it coming after what he did to Laney. 

And finally, that brings me to Laney. My girlfriend. I still haven't gotten used to it and it's been three weeks. The best three weeks of my life. It has consisted of phone calls (even though we live next door), seeing her more at school and finally the same old banter. I would do anything for the rest of my life to consist of this. 

We're also nearing the start of December which Laney reminds me of every day because she is so in love with Christmas. Given that, I also have to find a killer present because I do not want to disappoint her but seeing as Laney is an awesome gift-giver she will have no problem finding me a present. That fact worries me. Every year Willy comes to me with the problem of him finding a gift for her so I usually help in some way or another in return for him helping me find something for Norah and Pia. Let me tell you it is the most difficult time of year. 

Bringing my head back into the game I'm back on the ice for the third period. As we all take our positions waiting for the puck to drop I look up and spot my girlfriend in the stands. She's there with my sister, Mum and her parents. Frankie had got sent home with a fever today at school so I'm not surprised when I don't find her in the stands. Instead, I find Blake. Now that I'm surprised about. I would say Blake has been to about two of our games in my hockey career. She spots me staring and pokes her tongue out. 

I'm brought back by a whistle indicating the start of the last period. It's our last chance to beat out the Flames and it could go either way. We're tied 1-1 and the tension is thick. I get possession of the puck, and with a Flame hot on my tail I quickly pass to Wilson who is more than ready to skate in and out and between players coming out the other side which lands him in trouble. Two Flames are onto him but not quick enough to stop Wilson from sweeping the puck across the ice and into Willy's procession. 

Willy's quick with it. Avoiding multiple players who are ready to slam him into the boards, Willy makes his way closer to the goal and uses his best tricks to outsmart the goalie. He sets himself up and aims, the crowd gets louder and even more so once he actually scores. 

I skate across to him with adrenaline flowing through my blood. He's mid-celebration but quickly grounds himself once he sees me there and gives me a big bro hug.  We still have the chance to win or lose or tie so we don't get too caught up in celebrating before setting ourselves up again for the next play. 

Coach looks pretty happy from the bench and gives me a proud nod from the bench. Note to self let's not ruin Coach's mood. 


We in fact did not ruin Coach's mood. Yep, we won baby. 

It came close a couple of times but we were able to keep them from scoring another goal. Unfortunately, that also meant their defence was next level so no more goals were scored for the rest of the game. 

The vibe in the locker room after the game was awesome. Every single player in that room did their role in that game and I couldn't be more proud of them. The guys are all chatty tonight as we all shower, get changed and pack up our stuff. Planning to meet each other up at tonight's after-party we get out of the arena pretty quickly. I spot Laney and my Mum talking with Blake as well, just outside the arena. 

Laney is the first to greet me with a soul-crushing hug and a small kiss seeing as we're in front of my Mum. "Good job, Gus. You played awesome." Nowadays she whispers that to me after every game whether we lost or not and every single time I get butterflies. Not only is it incredibly hot but also makes me incredibly happy to remember that she was watching. 

My Mum is next giving me the same hug and congratulating me. Making sure to run me over some things before she leaves with Coach. 

I'm about to take it upon myself to make a remark to Blake but before I can do that Wilson's loud voice comes booming from the entrance. "Well if it isn't Blakie bear. Is it really you or do you have Frankie's fever? Maybe we should take you to the nearest hos-" I stifle a laugh as I witness Blake slap Wilson across the face. As he recovers he to stifles a laugh, "Shit Blakie you have some force on you." Wilson goes in for a side hug which Blake accepts carefully. 

I make eye contact with Laney who is sharing a confused look. Now that I think about it this whole interaction is odd. Never in my life have I seen these two interact. Our confusion must be written on our faces because Blake is quick to rectify it, "Umm... we have mutual friends, we met at a party this past summer."

Oh. Still odd seeing as I have never seen them interact before but whatever. "What are you doing here anyways Blake?" Laney is the curious one even though she just sat through a whole game with her. 

"I came for the party and seeing you guys just won, I have a feeling I should be thanked."

"For what?" Wilson and I question at exactly the same time. 

"For gracing you with not only my presence but also my good luck."

Love this chapt and my update schedule is slowly coming back to life. Probs not for long though. Also first interaction between Blake and Wilson. They are my absolute faves.  Thanks to all the new reads who chose this book in the past week don't forget to interact xx

Love Lu...

Words - 1109

Song - The Man: Taylor Swift 

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