Chapter 16

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I'm startled awake by loud sets of giggles. I see Frankie and Willy absolutely losing their shit on the other side of the couch. That's right, William Hughes is giggling with his girlfriend as they fight for air. I can only imagine what they are laughing over until I feel something hard underneath me. And no, it's not a boner. It is an actual human. An attractive one at that. 

Oh. My. God. It's August. I jump up and off the couch only to remember my cast after a huge pain swells up my leg. Too fast. I end up on the floor with a loud thud. Ouch. This gets Willy and Frankie out of their trance, scrambling to help me. 

"Are you ok, Del?" Frankies tone is full of compassion as she kneels down beside me. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was having a great sleep until you two assholes woke me up. It's seven am."

"It's time for school. Betty told us to come wake you up and here I find you snuggled in really close to Aug," Willy bursts out laughing while he pokes Gus in the sides as Gus is trying to get his senses. "Cut it out Willy, that's cruel," I love when Frankie gets feisty around Willy. It keeps him in line. 

"Shit, I kinda forgot it was a school night last night. We were busy with the project," I say as Frankie helps me up. 

"Project, suuurreee," Willy and Frankie say at exactly the same time causing their laughter to crackle up again. Dumbasses.

After the laughter dies down and August sees himself out to get ready for school, Frankie helps me up to my room. She picks out an outfit for me which is just a sweater and jeans like I usually wear. Frankie is so amazing and continues helping me get dressed, which we are totally comfortable about because it's not like we haven't seen it before. That's what I love about our friend group, we don't judge each other for anything (except maybe love interests) and that's what helps us be so comfortable to be ourselves. 

I beg Frankie to help with my makeup making up some lame excuse just so I can use her fantastic make-up skills that I'm so jealous of. She keeps it natural yet it brightens me somehow, which I can never manage to do. 

We end up all catching a ride together, Willy, Frankie, Gus and I, since we were all ready. Frankie and I head straight for the quad seeing as we still had ten minutes to the bell. I spot the other girls, Blake and Luisa already there and as soon as Blake lays eyes on me she lights up bombarding me with questions. 

"So, do you want to explain this picture?" Blake finally catches her breath after nearly killing herself with excitement. I have never seen this woman so excited about something. It's a picture of me lying on top of August with him staring intensely at me. It must have been taken in the dark because of the bright flash, how do I not remember this? 

Oh, wait. I do. I heard everything my brother said to August last night. Seriously five years? He does need to get his act together. Not that I'm one to talk.

I play it off though, "I have no idea that picture was even taken."

"Clearly, you were out like a lamp."

"Willy sent me that last night and he Facetimed me after. We were both in hysterics," Frankie pipes up laughing at the memory. 

"I don't get why you guys think it's so funny?"

"Because Willy said he wasn't even paying attention to the movie, only to you. Aug didn't know Willy was standing there for a good five minutes, he is so in love with you and you are too blind to see it." The other girls nod their heads agreeing.

"I'm not blind to see it. I just know what the consequences would be. Plus it would just be inconvenient. You know how August gets when the season gets into full swing. We'd bearly see each other."

"That's a lie and we all know it, Delaney. Once you admit to yourself that you like him, you'll make sure there is time. We see the way you look at each other. Hell, even Ms Dover notices, she didn't pair you guys up for nothing," Blake is firey today. Very passionate about this topic clearly. 

I stay quiet for a while contemplating what I should do. I'm scared that if I shoot my shot I'll completely miss the target. I let out a deep sigh, "You guys really think I should go for it?"

This time it's Luisa that pipes up, "Hell. Yes. Guys love it when the girl makes the first move!" The others agree and the bell sounds from the speaker. Time for class I guess. I have no idea how I'm going to do this. 


It's almost like the universe hates me at this point. I've bumped into Gus twice in less than two hours.  The first time was during my first-period bathroom break, and the second time was when I was returning to my locker before going to the quad for break. Both times I had acted like an idiot and stumbled over my words. I had given myself a quick getaway by coming up with lame excuses, like really needing to pee. 

When I said that I'd go for it I didn't really mean within the next day. Maybe in the next ten to fifteen business days. I think the girls were really hoping that I had already done it by break. But really I have got to think about the pros and cons of this.

"Have you done it yet?" Blake topples over here and seems to catch the attention of everyone else. 

The one thing about Blake Sutton that you should know is that she is hotter than the damn sun. Ergo, anywhere she goes the attention goes with her. She thrives in the fact that most people either want to be her or be with her. Or they completely hate her mere existence. And even though she's known as the local boy toy, she will forever be the most humble person in existence, she's only bratty to those who show her that energy to begin with. Blake is big on auras and finding your peace, which I think is what makes her so approachable. If she simply doesn't get good energy from you then she won't waste her time. She is usually the one to warn me about people before they've even said two words to me. 

"No, I haven't, it's been what? Two hours?"

She rolls her eyes and begins listing off a bunch of reasons why I should have done it already. Once you've known Blake for this long you begin to tune her out when she starts to blab. She only blabs when she realllllyyyy wants you to consider something. Blake Sutton is also eerily persistent. But I love her to death so I love seeing her deeply passionate for something. Even if it is my worst nightmare. 

I Kinda love this chapter but I can't wait to give you the next one. I have big things planned (I say that but then I'll probably dip, for like a week, and forget). ✌🏼I also have the most perfect song for the next chapter. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee

Words: 1193

Song: I Think He Knows - Taylor Swift 

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