We're Here For You

Start from the beginning

Gemma: I just figured that I would bring this back down.

Jax: That it?

Gemma: Ya know, I can count on one hand all the times I have been really happy...Your brother, you, Abel, Thomas and Marianna.

Jax: I know.

Gemma: I like Nero. I really do. I haven't felt...Lite in a while...*Taylor walked back down and walked behind Jax. She looked at Gemma as she rubbed his shoulders*...The thing that you are asking me to do Jax. I can't do both and...You're right. We lay down together, things get old and familiar. If you want me to go back to that place then I need to know that what you promised is real.

Jax: It's real.

Gemma: Not from you. From her...*Gemma looked up at Taylor*

Taylor: I know what Jax asked you to do. If you help him get what he needs from Clay then you can have the key back...And the family that comes with it.

Jax: You good?

Gemma: No, son...Not really...*Gemma sighed as she walked out. Jax kissed Taylor deeply and she rubbed his hands*

Jax: Be back in a few hours baby...*Taylor pushed him against the wall*...Mmm, baby...*Taylor kissed him and he squeezed her ass*...Save that for later. Promise me.

Taylor: Better hurry baby...*He bit his lip as she took off her shirt...

A few days later, Taylor was on her way back to the prison to see Otto. She had been helping the club anyway she could. Anything to get her family out whole and if that meant helping Jax then that's what she would do. Taylor had been gaining Otto's trust, building a friendship with him and hopefully get him to not rat on the club.

Eric didn't like it one bit. He thought that was his father's instincts coming out and just wanted his daughter safe. Eric had many thoughts of Vervaining her, grabbing the kids while they slept and driving them back home. But knowing Taylor, she wanted to make sure that her progeny was always safe.

Taylor had been compelling who she needed to make her time in the prison easier. It came in handy and no one really bothered her when she was with Otto. Jax told her to do everything normally so that it wouldn't look suspicious. She did but also used her nature to get what she wanted. Before she got out the car, she called Gemma*

Gemma: Yeah?

Taylor: You know anything about a crucifix? Luann used to have?

Gemma: Yeah, yeah. I know what you're talking about.

Taylor: I uhh-I'm at the prison. Any way you think you can bring it to me?

Gemma: Sure thing. Be right over...*Taylor paced and about fifteen minutes later Gemma pulled up*

Taylor: Thank you...*Gemma nodded slightly*

Gemma: They let you in? Near him? Or you glamour everyone?

Taylor: The CO is touchy. So...*She shrugged her shoulders*...I'll let him cop a feel until I decide to rip his arm off...*Gemma chuckled slightly. Taylor saw her eyes make their way to her badge*...Helping. Just trying to help the club. Plus maybe it'll give Otto a little peace with something so close to Luann. Thank you.

Gemma: Anything you need mom...*Gemma watched her walk off. Taylor made her way inside and compelled who she needed to. She let the CO feel and then she compelled him. Taylor vamp sped to Otto*

Taylor: Hey, does this look right?

Otto: Yeah, yeah, that's it. Thank you so much...*Taylor nodded slightly*...Can you put it around my neck and close to my heart?...*Taylor did as he asked*...If it's okay with you...Can I have a second? It's been a little while since I have prayed and I...*Taylor nodded*

A Vampire Life | Book 4Where stories live. Discover now