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*Eric had finally got Taylor back home to Fang. He's draining her and keeping her in the basement. He was trying to weaken her before he got her around the boys*

Eric: You need to shower.

Taylor: You're keeping me hostage now?

Eric: I'm drying you out.

Taylor: Only to make me hungrier, angry...We could...You know.

Eric: No, thank you...*He uncuffs her and took her up to the shower*

Pam: Well...You have really gone to the dark side.

Taylor: You are looking a little old there Pam...*Taylor smiled*

Pam: Excuse me...

Eric: Enough...Please.

Taylor: You aren't going to let me shower alone...Are you?

Eric: Strip.

Taylor: You can shower with me...*Eric broke her arm and put her in the shower*...Ouch! What was that for!?

Eric: You disgust me...*Taylor actually felt that and shook it off*

Taylor: I hurt your feelings...*Taylor showered and Eric gave her clothes she had kept here. After, he dragged her back downstairs and chained her back up*...Let me out! I'm hungry.

Eric: No...Now behave. Pam and I have an errand to run. Oh and I have this...*Taylor saw him hold up her daylight ring*

Taylor: It's night out?

Eric: In case you try tomorrow.

Taylor: Your club opens soon...Why are you leaving?

Eric: Claire and Tara are here...Behave...*Taylor heard them leave and waited until the music started going to try and break out. With how weak she was...Her struggling in the chains was weakening her more and then she smiled as they snapped*

Claire: Where do you think you are going?

Taylor: Piss off...Wanna be me...*Taylor smiled and made her eyes glow*...You are with my man and you know deep down...Every time he is in you, he thinks of me. You are nothing but a distraction...*Claire popped her fangs*...You wish you had his heart the way I have it...Wrapped around my pretty little fingers. If you ever think about taking him from me...I will kill you.

Claire: You have a funny way of showing your humanity is off...You are highly annoying.

Taylor: And you are dying...*Claire looked confused*

Claire: Wha?...*Taylor made her eyes glow again, ran and bit Claire. Claire yelled as she felt the wolf venom seep into her veins and Taylor dropped her. She wiped her mouth and smiled*

Taylor: No wonder Eric keeps you...Nothing but a watered down version of me...*Tara ran down and gasped as she saw Claire*

Tara: What did you do!?

Taylor: You should probably call Eric...Tell him his girlfriend is dying...*Taylor ran off and followed the scent to her progeny*

Eric: She what!?

Tara: You have to call Klaus...*Eric sighed*

Eric: Alright. I am on my way...*He hung up and Pam laughed*...Something funny Pamela?

Pam: Your ex and your side piece were fighting over you. Taylor has no humanity and is still pulling for you...Wow, Eric...You must really give good dick...*Eric smiled*

Eric: You should know...*Pam shook her head and he called Jax*

Jax: I think she's here.

Eric: Jax, you have to Vervain her...She is not safe right now.

A Vampire Life | Book 4Where stories live. Discover now