Zane Christopher Orton

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*Taylor drove back to the clubhouse to wait for the guys. She looked at her phone and Kelly sent her a picture of the boys eating. She smiled and she smiled even bigger when Eric said he would meet her at the house. Taylor sighed as the guys pulled in and knew this was the moment she had to see Jax off. It hurt every time it happened and now that her sons were older, it hurt even more.

She didn't want to have to explain why daddy went away. Taylor hated lying to her kids but they were too young to know the truth. How the last few months have been going, all she hoped for was that her kids didn't choose this life. She didn't want them living the ripper life as well but she would take that over this. Even though she knew the club would always take care of her family.

She didn't want that life for her kids. Taylor hoped that the school back home would really help but for now she had to settle for a daycare near the house. She made sure they took in supernatural kids. It gave her peace when they did, Gemma wasn't too big on it but Taylor didn't care. She was doing what was best for her children*

Taylor: I love you so much.

Jax: I love you too.

Taylor: Promise me that'll you stay safe and that you'll feed on someone or more than one...*Jax smiled and caressed her face*

Jax: I promise...*Taylor let go of his hand and watched them take him. Taylor then ran to him and wrapped her arms around him. Taylor cried as he held her*...I know, baby. I know.

Taylor: I love you. I love you...*Taylor wiped his tears*

Jax: I love you too. You tell my sons daddy loves them and you give our daughter all my love...*Taylor nodded and kissed him while they cuffed him. She gasped as she saw Opie punch a cop*

Taylor: Ope! No!

Gemma: I know baby. He has too. It's okay. He's staying close...*Taylor wiped her tears as they pulled off*...You okay?

Taylor: Yeah, I just...I need my kids...*Gemma nodded and watched Taylor walk to her car. Eric saw lights and walked out to Taylor. Taylor hugged him tightly and he smelled her hair*

Eric: The kids are asleep. I got you...*Eric jumped back as he saw her shoulder pop and Taylor yelled. He looked up and saw no full moon*...Are you?

Taylor: AHH! What is happening to me!? AHHH!

Damon: Mrs. Teller, I see that it worked...*Eric hissed his fangs at the man*

Taylor: Who-who are you?...AHHH!...*Taylor fell to her knees as she felt her spine pop*

Damon: The man who killed Tig's daughter.

Eric: Damon Pope? I'm the father. Why are you doing this to her?

Damon: Because I can. Mrs. Teller, you will stay this way until the next full moon...*Taylor made her eyes glow in anger*...You have thirty minutes...*He whistled as he walked off*

Taylor: Eric!

Eric: What do you need me to do?

Taylor: AHHH! Kelly knows their daycare schedule...UGH!...*Taylor sat as she was wolf*

Eric: Kelly and I have the kids. Don't worry about it...*Taylor ran for the next month. Some nights were harder than others. She felt more wolf than herself and stayed near the house as a reminder. Eric usually sat by the pool and waited for her to come by. Since she couldn't talk, he would show her videos of the kids or he would feed her and talk to her.

Jax finally called after he had a sit down with Pope. Jax and Pope had come to a business agreement for the outside. Pope had other ideas for the Sons while they were inside. He wanted a dead Son in exchange for Jax's wife and for the damage that was to his guys. Jax's head was spinning now about his wife and how to get all of his men out of jail safely. Jax finally fessed up to Opie about what was happening and all that was going on with Clay.

A Vampire Life | Book 4Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon