Ghost Of Taylor's Past

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*Taylor smiled as the boys laughed on the swing set. Jax smiled as he held her hips. Feeling whole being back together and being with their boys. So much has happened and changed since he had gotten turned. Jax now understood why Taylor was always on guard because there was always trouble brewing. Taylor lost her smile when she saw Wendy waving at Jax*
Jax: Thanks for stopping by.

Taylor: Seriously?...*Jax looked over and sighed*

Jax: I'll handle her...*Taylor nodded at Chibs as she walked away as Eric called her*

Taylor: You left without a word? I shouldn't even be answering...*He smiled*...It's daylight out. What's with the call?

Eric: I have some information. Taylor, I don't know how to tell you this...*Taylor felt her heart drop. She sighed as she kept walking and Jax could feel how uncomfortable she felt*

Taylor: Who died?

Eric: No one...Someone is after you.

Taylor: I'm a hybrid. I'll be okay. I love that you worry about me. I also love when y-

Eric: Joe...*Taylor felt her blood run cold at hearing that name. A name that she forgot about. A name she never wanted to think about. She swallowed hard as she made the flashbacks go away. She took a breath as she felt her tears coming to surface*...Love?

Taylor: I...Why? Why are we even talking about him?...Eric.

Eric: I know baby, I know, he...He left a note on the door. Ginger found it when she came in. He thinks you are still in Shreveport somewhere. I made sure of it.

Taylor: You saw him!?

Eric: You are safe. He...He has been made vampire.

Taylor: I don't want to talk about it anymore. Eric, please...I can't go through that again. I...You...*She looked around*

Eric: Love, I need you to stay calm. He has no idea where you are. You call me the first chance of anything.

Taylor: Okay.

Eric: The last thing that I want is for you to be frightened. I had to tell you.

Taylor: I know babe, I know...*She smiled*...Always looking out for me. Thank you.

Eric: Always my love.

Taylor: Give Claire my best...*Eric rolled his eyes and he sighed. Taylor smiled as she knew it would bother him*

Eric: Don't you start. Call me later...*Taylor hung up and sighed. Thinking of Joe and how everything went down that day. The fear, the pain and...The baby. She teared up at what she did with the baby. Taylor never forgave herself and still hasn't for what she did. But she didn't want a baby with or by Joe. She shook off the memories and the feelings. Taylor turned around and screamed as she bumped into Jax*

Taylor: Would you make some noise!...*Jax raised an eyebrow*

Jax: I thought we couldn't get snuck up on?

Taylor: Well...You...You.

Jax: What was that about?

Taylor: Nothing, nothing. All good...*She started to walk back over to her boys*

Jax: Who's Joe Taylor?...*Taylor stopped walking at hearing that name*

Chibs: You alright Red?

Taylor: All good. I should get them home.

Jax: What aren't you telling me?

Taylor: Nothing. Babe, it's fine...*He looked at her*...I have to get the boys home.

A Vampire Life | Book 4Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum