Reaper Pole

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*Taylor was pushing eight months and was huge. Jax loved how big she was, Abel always gave her belly kisses and said how much he already loved his baby sister. Kelly and her girls threw her a baby shower. Kelly finally told her sister that she was almost two months pregnant. Taylor was so happy for Kelly and Randy.

Amber was happy that she got to see her girls having families and would do better for their children. Eric was running Fang and keeping up with Taylor through Trish. He glamoured her to not tell Taylor and he was happy that Taylor was okay. It killed him that it had been eight months and they haven't really spoken a word to each other. Pam saw as his mind wandered at the mention of her name.

Taylor's water finally broke and Jax cried seeing his baby girl. They both agreed to the name...Marianna Faith Teller. Kelly came and saw her sister and her niece every day. They talked about all things baby while Jax and Randy talked about normal guy things. Jax noticed the difference in Taylor since Eric stopped showing. He knew there was a fight but he just didn't know what it was about. All he knew was that they weren't speaking.

Gemma was staying with the boys since Jax and Taylor were at the hospital. Her heart dropped as she found a letter to Jax from Maureen about the letters from John. She looked all over the house when the boys were asleep but couldn't find them. She knew if Jax ever got a hold of them that it would change everything for her and the club. Her radar was now open for the letters and knew this would be so bad if word got out.

About a week after Taylor came home, Eric finally reached out. Wishing her all the luck with the new baby and asking when he could see her and the baby. It made her heart leap with happiness that he finally wanted to talk. Taylor hoped that Eric loved this baby girl as much as he loved the boys*

Taylor: Hey.

Eric: Love...*She hugged him tightly*

Taylor: Don't you ever do that again. You understand me?

Eric: Yes mom...*He wrapped his arms around her tighter*...I'm sorry. I.

Taylor: I know why. I just...It sucked not having you here. Come in. She's asleep...*Eric walked in*

Eric: Taylor...*She smiled*...She's beautiful just like her mother...*Taylor hugged him from behind as he looked at her daughter*

Taylor: I know she's Jax's but...

Eric: She is mine as well...*Marianna started to cry as she woke*

Taylor: I have to feed her. Do you?...*He smiled*

Eric: Please...*Eric watched Taylor as she heated up the bottle. She looked more beautiful than the last time he saw her. He took the bottle and looked down at Marianna. Marianna smiled so big as she looked up at Eric and Taylor bit her lip*

Taylor: She knows who you are...*Taylor kissed his head as he fed Marianna*...Thank you for coming. I missed you so much. I really did.

Eric: I missed you too. I love you, I never stopped and I won't ever. You know if you were ever in danger.

Taylor: I know...*She sighed*...I know. I love you too...*They sat and talked most of the night....It was the next day...

Jax: Babe.

Taylor: Yeah baby?

Jax: I'm off.

Taylor: Be careful. I love you.

Jax: I love you. Tell Eric I said hi...*Taylor nodded. Taylor started to give the boys lunch when Gemma knocked and walked in*

Taylor: Hey...*Gemma smiled and Taylor walked in the living room while the boys ate*...Gemma?...*Gemma went to say something and then stopped. Taylor picked up Marianna and fed her*

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