Mr. and Mrs. Smith

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*Taylor and Eric didn't get too far from Uhtred, when she heard movement in the bushes. Eric and her looked over, they both popped their fangs and were ready for a fight. Eric clicked his fangs back in when it was just the witches. He looked back at Taylor to see her eyes glowing and wasn't backing down*

Milo: What is happening? The air. Uhtred, are they okay? I feel something.

Uhtred: Not so sure. Stay here with the others...*Uhtred jogged over*

Eric: Taylor.

Taylor: I should kill all of you.

Eric: What are you doing? We can trust them.

Nattie: We can't let the kids live.

Eric: So it was you all along.

Nattie: I'm sorry but we have to start with you Taylor...*Eric stood in front of Taylor*

Taylor: They lied. Everything has been a lie. They are working with Clay and Tara. They plotted the images, making the prophecy seem real. Lies.

Uhtred: You did what!?...*Taylor and Eric looked over at Uhtred*

Nattie: Witches...*Eric ran and grabbed her throat*

Eric: You cold hearted bitch.

Uhtred: Run.

Taylor: But?...*He caressed her face*

Uhtred: Thank you for helping us. You will always hold a special place in my heart but your husband and children need you.

Taylor: But?

Uhtred: There is no time my lady. We are vampires and we are bound to see each other again. We will hold them off.

Taylor: Till we meet again...*He smiled and kissed her forehead. Taylor looked at Eric and he nodded. Taylor ran off but stopped when she felt the vampire spell. She grabbed her head in pain and dropped to her knees. Uhtred fought it and attacked one of the witches breaking the spell. Taylor ran off while they fought and like always Eric eventually caught up with her*

Eric: I'm sorry I gave you so much trouble.

Taylor: Doesn't matter. Are you okay?

Eric: I'm fine. They are no longer an issue. Why didn't you tell me? You can tell me anything.

Taylor: Because these are your people Eric. Uhtred is like your only friend...*They both smiled*...I knew that it was important to you that you helped him. I didn't want you to give any reason to have to choose between us.

Eric: I would have picked you in a heartbeat. You know that...*She looked at her phone and looked confused*...What is it?

Taylor: Jax...He wants me in England?...*Eric sighed*

Eric: Be careful. Keep in touch. As your maker I command you to keep in touch.

Taylor: No fair. Eric, he said you couldn't know.

Eric: You think I care...*She smiled and held his hand*...I love you.

Taylor: I love you even more.

Michael: Your wife flys in today?

Jax: Yes.

Michael: Good. It's good to finally have you here Ray...

 It's good to finally have you here Ray

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