The Invention of Healing Punches

Start from the beginning

He wondered first that maybe if he went over to the docks and killed Octavian, his followers and maybe Reyna, maybe New Rome would back off and regroup. Or think twice about attacking the Greeks.

That unfortunately wasn't an option, because it makes the seven look liker heartless monsters, when really it was only (Y/N) that was willing to stoop that low, and if he had, it just would have martyred the two praetors.

His plans ranged from the desperate to the delusional. He could use the Lares of new Rome to overthrow it if he just borrowed a power from a god, or he could strike a deal with Hecate for some task that would cause the mist to make the demigods forget the attack on Rome.

His first gut instinct was to Iris message Chiron and tell the Greeks to be prepared, to muster all the Greek demigods around America, for example, he thought about pulling Clarisse out of college and saying "War time, do your thing. Burn the place up like Atlanta."

But to do that would only spark more conflict, it would put the Greeks on high alert and most likely amp them up just as much as the romans, which could lead to more bloodshed as now they were 'defending from invaders' not just fighting.

To cut a long thought process short, he knew he couldn't resolve the matter himself, but he did find some comfort in devising strategies to defend and protect both sides as best he could. In doing so, he realised this was most likely going to be an outcome of mutually assured destruction if they failed their quest.

Things had threatened the camp before, countless times, they had faced monsters and threats of war, invasion even, but this, a true war between demigods, it was something that he never wanted to consider, because if either side won, he lost.

If the war even began in earnest, with both sides killing, and there was open combat between the two forces, it would cause a rift in demigod life forever, no matter what happened with the giants or the earth mother.

He began to spiral, thoughts that only traced the back of his mind, but were still there. Horrible, wicked thoughts. Soon he found himself absentmindedly tracing the arrowhead that was still found in Glimmer, telling himself that he wouldn't let it happen again, he couldn't.

As the demigod made storm raged overhead, (Y/N) was in a bit of a daze, but not one of his normal ones from concussion or injury, this time it was worse, reality had just smacked him in the face, hard. He knew what he had to do, he had to break another promise.

He knew what would happen if he didn't, the number of deaths would be overwhelming. It was the curse of being the son of Thanatos, while yes the title came with a lot of perks, it had it's downsides too. 

Every battle, every fight, every war, he could play them out in his head, even if he didn't mean to. He always knew the worst outcome, the most casualties, from a young age, like many other demigods. (Y/N) was faced with the reality that just because he was part immortal didn't make him or his friends any less mortal.

With the threat of Hades dragging him back to the underworld, plus whoever it was pulling the strings manoeuvring him around, (Y/N) felt like he was losing control of his life. Well, what little control he ever had.

As his wounds were cleaned, he thought, if these weren't shallow, if the romans had been a second faster, pierced a fraction deeper, it might have already been over. Again, he found himself tracing his thumb along the hilt of his dagger.

He knew that it wasn't just for first aid, he had been hurt worse than this on the lava wall, or in training with Annabeth, there was no way she was this concerned, it was an act. He just didn't know why.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked him gently as she wrapped up his hands. He pursed his lips before saying, "I think you know." She didn't verbally confirm, but the sadness in her eyes as she nodded was all he needed as confirmation.

Heroes of Olympus Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now