1*-I bump headfirst into a vampire -*

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That's a sound of joy...or pain??.

"Ow" I groan as I rub my aching ribs, the side I had not so gracefully fallen from. All I remember was me expertly snowboarding then falling off my bed... snowboarding??... Bed??...oh yh dreaming I was dreaming.

I look around my small room with it's peeling lilac paint. My brain felt fuzzy...was it the sunlight hitting my eyes right now??.. or the cold tile under my barely clad behind.

No it's the fact that you drank last night you idiot!

Oh yeaaah...I drowned my organs in half a bottle of tequila..yes just half cos I'm a fucking light weight. I drank and did an entire toast with the vase near my door, to celebrate my single ass. Pitiful I know.

I glance at my alarm clock and grit my teeth
"Fuck you. How could you??!! Not waking me up on a very important day is a new low for you alarm clock"
Yeah I talk to objects so?...
Bottom line??.. I'm damn lonely

I'd probably just forgot to set it but I'll blame the alarm clock.. definitely more convenient.
7:26...shit!. I had a bleeding interview by 8am.

10 minutes later and I was running to my car with toast in between my teeth, my hairbrush under my armpit my stilettos in my hand..after I had found it under the couch though ..hey! I'm messy that way ....

This interview was going to change my life and I'd rather sell my boobs than miss it

Dude you don't have boobs

Shut up about it already!!

Imagine having one of the biggest technological company in the world call you up. I mean I'm a CEO of a small tech company 'Kings Tech' we specialized in programming back-end, front-end, we also do websites, videos and app development. But big companies like MC Programs always sucked the contracts up..and now they're calling me???

No way in hell.

Ok I have a lot of questions but I'll shut the hell up before I end my interview before it starts ...I do have experience in that field.

I almost trip on the rug on my porch which said 'WULCOME😄'... and in my defense I did not notice that till after I purchased...and they had rudely shown me the no refund sign when I returned hours later.

Enough story time!!
"Where is that darn key" I growl searching through my purse frantically

"Um Jaaaaane!" I turn around to answer my nosey cat lady neighbor.

" N-Not the best time Miss. Fritz"

" Your keys are over there" She nods towards the flowerpot where the stupid keys lay.

"Thanks Miss. Fritz!" I echo as I shoved the key into the ignition and turn it so hard I could hear it snap.
Miss Fritz waves me off with her watering can. She should definitely win gardener of the year, the only thing she loves more than those damn plants are her damn cats.

I've never driven so fast in my life, not even that time when I had explosive diarrhea and I had to drive 2 miles back from the fair I had gone to with Eric, because there's no way in hell I'm using a public toilet.

Dunno about you but I could contact an infection and lose my womb or something!!.

I finally arrive at the damn place, I haphazardly park and jump out like a crazed person but then I have to make a detour cos I forgot my purse in the car.

I slow down to take a good look at the mighty edifice in front of me. I mean San Francisco is a really modern city but this just takes the cake. The building screams power, it just sat there in all it's glass glory reflecting light from the morning sun.

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