This Takes The Cake

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Riah POV

Mom help me please! She called the police and gave out our address. Tommie stay with me babes. I cried until they showed up. They put her on a Stretcher and put a bag valve mask through her mouth. Rolled her right out the crib and on the elevator and then to the ambulance truck. I had asked if they would give me her keys from her pockets "Who are you" the EMT guy asked me.

The other EMT guy answered him "the girlfriend who called us" He reached into her pockets for the keys and handed it over to me. I hoped off the truck and followed behind them in Tommie truck to the hospital. My mom never left my side as I balled crying behind the steering wheel, she said a prayer for Tommie. I pulled into the parking lot getting out me and my mom rushed to the emergency room. That waiting room was packed, I asked the receptionist if she had any information about Tommie Bryant.

She told me that they rushed her to surgery and that's all the information she has, "do you need medical attention honey because you're covered in blood." No this the patient blood that I asked you about, I was with her the time of the incident"

I went back to sit with my mom crying again. I took out my phone going back through our old snaps I took of her driving singing and smoking. I giggled with tears in my eyes. Then our pictures on our first date at the hibachi restaurant. I cried even more and my mom held me. 2 hours had passed and a doctor came to speak with me.

"Are you the girlfriend to the patient Tommie Bryant?"

"Yes I am is she breathing?"

"Yes, she's in stable condition. We removed the 2 bullets from her shoulder but ....

"But what doctor?"

"She is still unconscious. She has been taken into her own personal room where you can be with her until she wakes up, the room is 1222 in recovery." I told my mom and we headed up there.

When we got in there Tommie had a breathing tube and monitors were beeping. Her respiratory system was on the machine as well to let us know she breathing. I pulled up a chair to her bed side and my mom set across the room by the windows. I laid across her chest. "Mom she's cold " I began crying again.

My mom asked the nurse for a heated blanket. I hurried up to put it around her.
2 days had went past and she still hasn't woken up yet. Rachel came to keep me company and Then there were a knock at her door and Tommie older sister walked in tearing up to see her only sister like that.

"What happened?"

"This girl she met off the app shot her twice in her shoulder." I explained to her sister. Idk how she found out cause I don't know anything about her family just her and her parents are deceased.  Her sister came close to her and rubbed some oil on her forehead.

"Can you move back please" I did. She laid down her hands on Tommie and began to say a prayer over her shoulder. She was crying and when she was done she whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek.

"You are?"

Her sister looked up at me crying. "I'm her friend, but to the doctor's I'm her girlfriend because that's what I said when I called the police. I literally live in the building and your sister called me saying she was shot, we were already texting then she called me moments later."

"What's your name?"

"Mariah" She hugged me. I was so damn nervous.

" I told my sister years ago to stop meeting people online, that a female will come to you, you ain't even gotta look for her."

"Ik thats right" Rachel said when nobody was even talking to her.

"My bad, too soon. You rude too Riah, I'm Rachel big sister Mariah's best friend. I'm here to keep Riah from crying so much and to wait until Tommie wakes up, but imma go sit down over there."

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