Beautiful Disaster

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The next day

We were knocked out when Riah got a phone call from her friend Rachel.

"Bitch wake that ass up"

"Not too much, What time is it?" Riah asked in a groggy voice.

"Ew um 9:30, what was you doing?"

"Ooo not too much on me & I wasn't doing anything, I've been smoking with Tommie"

"Girl! Shame on you because you're not a smoker. Chief keef.. Well come open your door because I'm standing outside it"

"Shit! I'm still downstairs at Tommie crib. Let me get my things together and I'll be right upstairs"

"I know you not about to do that walk of shame this morning, what y'all was doing?"

"I said smoking haffer and then watched a movie and fell asleep. Let me get my stuff I'll be right up there" Riah hung up the phone.

"Yo friend loud and nosey"

"You heard her" Giggling at me "Mhm" Pulling the blanket over my head. She jumped on top of me removing the blanket from my head kissing me.

"Ooo you're so grumpy in the mornings"

"I am not I just got woken up by your loud ass friend"

"Thank you for last night grumpy that food I'm going to eat when I get in the crib."

"You're welcome" I slapped her ass

"Ooo not too much" Smiling getting off me heading in the kitchen to the refrigerator for her leftovers from last night. Sliding on her slippers to leave.

"You can keep the candles, I'll text or call you later" I hopped up so fast to meet her at the door for a good bye kiss. We kissed and I closed the door behind her. That morning I took a long shower I was washing my body when I heard someone at my door. I cut the washer off and yelled out "hold on!"

Then I heard my phone ringing so that made me rush then I looked at my phone realized I had a missed call from Lexi. Then the knocking came again so I looked through the peephole and it was Lexi crying. I ran to get my dry towel cause I'm naked. (I thought to myself is every girl I'm talking to comes to me with they problems. Damn I attract. what I put out.)

Then I said "here I come really loudly" I came out my room to open the door. As I opened the door Lexi fell at my feet crying."Get up what's wrong Lex" I picked her up off the floor and closed my door. When my dry towel fell so I yelled "hold on again" Pulling my dry towel back on me and running back to my room to put on my ethika sports bra and ethika briefs. I opened my room door "You can come in here" Lexi walked in the room and laid down on my bed, still semi crying "What's wrong Lexi" "For one I like the whole towel thing and no clothes." She giggled

"But I'm crying because my mom kicked me out and she didn't think I was about to leave and I did for real" Wiping her tears off she sat up to look at me.

"First of all you caught me being in the shower and why she kicked you out & how you remember where I live" (Red Flag) I was so shocked and confused.

"Because she wanted more money from me and I just got paid. I'm only left with $200 dollars so we argue about it this morning, I'm not her man I'm not finna pay all her bills and she has 2 jobs." Seating next to her I hugged her.

"You can stay here with me" She smiled and hugged me tightly. "Let me finish putting on my clothes and brushing my teeth" I got up and walked to the bathroom. Turning on the sink I brush my teeth, then before I started to wash my face I still had the smell of Riah on my upper lip so I washed my whole face with soap. Lexi asked me if I would take her shopping she needed a few clothes and panties. I walked in the bedroom still wiping off my face with my wash cloth.

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