"Tom was losing his wife to someone who wasn't who he said he was!"

"Tom was having an affair with a ginger gas station owner before Gatsby even moved to town. He had an apartment in the city so Daisy wouldn't find out. Daisy hit that same ginger with a car and Jay took the blame! He literally died to protect the woman he loved." I smiled and looked him right in the eyes, "This is a silly argument, Mr Jacobsen. The answer's clear. You're giving us free credits."

He nodded and walked back to the front of the room, "Well then, Miss Wilson. You have just earned yourself detention!"

"For answering your question?" I crossed my arms.

"For insulting a teacher."

"Mr Jacobsen sir, with all due respect, you asked me a question and I gave you my answer." I shrugged and looked around, "I'm sorry if I made you feel, like, dumb or something."

The room was completely silent. You could hear a pin drop.

He was so red he was practically blowing steam out of his ears.

But the bell saved me.

I picked up all of my things and looked at Syd.

She put her arm around me, "I love you more and more every time you put Jacobsen in his place." She kissed my cheek, "Gotta go."

"Have fun at the dentist."

She rolled her eyes, "I so will."

"Your mom is making chicken cordon bleu?" I watched her walk down the hall backwards.

She nodded, "Be there at 6."

"I will. Love you!"

"Love you too!" She disappeared around the corner.

"Hey there cutie." Scarlett walked right up next to me.

I eyed her outfit. Respectively stopping when I reach her chest and look directly at her eyes, "I meant to say it earlier, but you look amazing today."

She rolled her eyes as we went up the stairs towards our math classes, "You're going to Syd's tonight?"

I nodded, "Dad just got back from Guam and I really can't stand him right now. His deal fell through and he's absolutely pissed about it."

"Gosh. You could always stay with me, you know?"

I looked at her.

She played with her hands, "I mean, my parents know about your..." She looked at me, "situation." She looked back at the crowd, "They're okay with it, you know?"

"They-" They know? They're okay with it? They know? They care? "They're okay with me staying with you?"

She nodded.

"Hi Scarlett!" A redhead I have never seen before gave her a side hug, "Last night was so fun we should do it again!"

"I agree, Bridge! I'll see you after lunch."

"Duh." She flashed a quick smile at me and we continued down the hall.


What did they do last night?

Not that I care. Scarlett doesn't even like gingers like that.

But what if she does now?

You're being weird for no reason, Natalie. Shut up.

"What is going on?" She put her arm on my back as we squeezed together through the kids.

I raised my eyebrows and glanced at her, "What?"

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