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It was another normal day, with the pleasant touch of the warm summer breeze caressing their skin, and the bustling sound of university students rushing throughout the campus. Gyuvin and Matthew found themselves strolling towards the busy cafeteria. Although they pursued different majors, fate had brought them together in two shared classes, forming a unique bond between them.

"Have you seen the comment on your latest upload?" Matthew asked the other with a beaming smile on his face.

"Not yet, why?' Gyuvin replied, as Matthew quickly pulled out his phone and showed the comments to his friend. The comments, without exception, were filled with positive reactions expressing adoration for the most recent chapter.

Matthew expressed his enthusiasm, "THEY LOVED THAT CUTE WAFFLE SCENE!", exclaiming with joy about how much they adored the cute scene where the two main leads, shared a waffle. However, their excitement was abruptly interrupted when two exceptionally good-looking young men walked past them, captivating their attention. Deep inside, the two friends were filled with a mixture of surprise and delight as they instantly recognized the faces of none other than Jiwoong and Ricky, who were the beloved muses in Gyuvin's story.

'My muses, look at those features, damn' Gyuvin thought to himself. Their remarkable features are nothing short of divine craftsmanship, as if God carefully created them with utmost care and focus. Ricky possesses a strikingly beautiful face, similar to a Barbie doll, radiating an ethereal aura. And his facial structure naturally falls into the powerful pretty omega face category. Not only is he blessed with stunning looks, but he also possesses a brilliant mind and exceptional artistic abilities, making him stand out effortlessly. Moreover, he has garnered a massive following on various popular social media platforms, reflecting his immense popularity. Despite his cold aura, Ricky is an incredibly kind-hearted and warm individual, effortlessly connecting with everyone he encounters. On the other hand, Jiwoong possesses an mysterious allure, with his cold and seductive appearance resembling that of a vampire, emitting alpha vibes. His amazing physical proportions and captivating visuals make him undeniably standout. Excelling both academically and visually. Despite working as a model from time to time Jiwoong's grades remain exceptional. But unlike Ricky, Jiwoong is more reserved and tends to engage in conversations only with the blond boy. Nonetheless, his reserved nature has never caused any conflicts so far.

The contrast in their appearance, personalities, and abilities is utterly captivating, as if they were fated to be the perfect match to one another. Their flawless chemistry and prince-like visuals have captivated Gyuvin to the extent that he have been inspired to create a story centered around their daily lives, where he was fortunate enough to witness. In his story, he have crafted characters named Jinyoung, drawing inspiration from Jiwoong, and Riwon, embodying Ricky's persona. This story was uploaded onto various social media platforms garnering lots of attention.

Gyuvin was abruptly pulled from his thoughts as they finally arrived at the cafeteria, filled with students, all happily indulging in their meals. Just as they settled down, Matthew curiously asked, breaking the silence, "when will you release the next chapter?", he asked with the anticipation that had seemingly consumed the entire fanbase. With trays in hand, the two began to eat their meal.

Gyuvin let out a heavy sigh, "Honestly, I don't know, I don't have enough resources to create a new one" As he took a bite of his crispy croquette.

Matthew responded to Gyuvin's confusion with a question, "What do you mean?" He then directed Gyuvin's attention to what was happening behind him, emphasizing that the "couple" in question was currently displaying affectionate behavior. Gyuvin, feeling intrigued, turned his head slowly to see what Matthew was referring to. In that moment, a surge of contentment washed over him as he observed his beloved ship sailing smoothly. At another table nearby, Jiwoong and Ricky were enjoying a meal together. However, what caught Gyuvin's attention was the intimate gesture Jiwoong made towards Ricky, as the blond had something on his lips, Jiwoong gently wiped it away with his thumb, accompanied by a soft smile. This interaction sparked a whirlwind of emotions within Gyuvin, causing him to internally scream with excitement, as he finally found the inspiration he had been longing for to continue writing the next chapter.

"Oh my god - I have to write this!" As he said, he took out his phone and wrote down the scene he had just witnessed. Finally, they finished their meal and went to the next class. They say goodbye to each other because they have different classes this time.

Gyuvin arrived a few minutes behind schedule, making his way to the back of the classroom where he settled himself comfortably. Positioned strategically, he had a perfect view of both the professor's lectures and the playful interaction exchanged between his ship. Interestingly enough, Gyuvin happened to share the same major in Finance with Ricky, resulting in them attending the majority of their classes together. On the other hand, Jiwoong pursued a major in economics, yet fate seemed to bring them together in a few subjects. It was all an unexpected coincidence, as Gyuvin had no intention of planning such circumstances. As soon as the class concluded, Gyuvin made his way home, eager to indulge on his next creative adventure. Lost in his thoughts, he began writing a new chapter centered around the lives of Ricky and Jiwoong. Meticulously utilizing pre-drawn templates, Gyuvin carefully crafted the next chapter of his story. Excitement filled the air as he uploaded the newly completed chapter online, instantly captivating the attention of his devoted followers, including Matthew.

Content with his written work, Gyuvin allowed himself to surrender to a peaceful slumber, completely unaware of the path that the future had in store for him.


to be continued...

𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐖𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐊 ✎ 𝐠𝐲𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 『zerobaseone』Where stories live. Discover now