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The unexpected sound of Jiwoong's voice startled the couple, causing them to jolt in surprise. "Nothing", Gyuvin said, as he quickly attempted to separate their intertwined hands, hoping to downplay any potential significance. However, Ricky clung onto their grasp even tighter, refusing to let go. As Jiwoong's gaze fell upon their entwined hands, he appeared curious about it, yet remained silent.

Ricky asked, "Why did it take you so long?" while attempting to divert the conversation.

"I did number two," Jiwoong said with a smile, forcing himself between the couple and making them let go of each other's hands.

"Please tell me that you washed your hands properly", Gyuvin pleaded, feeling Jiwoong's arm on his shoulders.

Jiwoong responded defensively, "HEY WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR?! OF COURSE I DID!", expressing his disbelief at the assumption being made about him.

"Yeah, right," Ricky chuckled.

After departing from the exhibit, the group noticed that the sun had already started to set on the horizon. Mesmerized by the breathtaking sunset, their moment of awe was interrupted by the sound of a growling stomach. All eyes turned towards the source, only to discover it was Ricky's hungry belly making its presence known. "I'm absolutely hungry," Ricky exclaimed.

"There are many restaurants around here, what do you want to eat?" Gyuvin asked.

"Anything," Ricky answered tiredly.

"Anything?" Jiwoong asked.

"Yeah, anything," Ricky replied.

"Even me-"

"OH COME ON, I TOLD YOU TO STOP," Ricky exclaimed, completely drained by Jiwoong's continuous mischievous behavior.

'Free crumbs, yey...?' Gyuvin simply laughed at them, yet he couldn't deny that he was slightly bothered by it. "So, would it be alright if we went to the nearest chicken shop?" Gyuvin asked, ignoring his feelings.

"Definitely! Better than what Jiwoong suggested," Ricky said, glaring at the said boy.

Following a brief stroll, they reached the chicken shop, where they were warmly welcomed by the delightful sound of people munching on crispy chicken and the enticing fragrance that filled the air. Taking their seats, they skimmed through the menu, carefully considering their options. After much contemplation, they unanimously settled on ordering a dozen of delectable chicken wings, each with its own distinct flavor. As they waited for their order to be prepared and delivered, their anticipation grew, and when the chicken platter finally arrived at their table, they wasted no time in savoring every bite of the mouthwatering and flavorsome chicken.

"This so good?!" Jiwoong exclaimed as she took a bite of spicy chicken.

"It is!" Gyuvin said while eating the same flavor as Jiwoong. "Here, try it!" He said as he grabbed a chicken and offered it to Ricky who was eating a different flavor of chicken.


"He can't handle spicy food very well" Jiwoong chimed in.

Gyuvin found himself taken aback by Jiwoong's unexpected revelation. 'he sure knows him a lot better than I do...', as he contemplated the statement, he couldn't help but acknowledge the deep bond between the two friends. Over time, they had developed an intimate knowledge of one another, from the tiniest facts to the grandest ones. Yet, despite this understanding, Gyuvin couldn't help but feel inadequate in his role as Ricky's lover. The thought lingered in his mind, refusing to be dismissed.

𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐖𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐊 ✎ 𝐠𝐲𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 『zerobaseone』Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora