Chapter 18

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"I think Lucifer should start coming to these dinners," MiMi said, taking a drink of water.

"MiMi," Maisy whispered.

"Well, he is coming with us on our trip. Isn't he?"

"Yeah, I think it was his idea," she answered.

Junie glanced at Levi who she knew was going to protest. She nudged his leg under the table.

Maisy caught her eye, and Junie tried to give her a reassuring smile.

"I hope you're not hesitating because of me," Junie said. "You accepted Levi. There's no reason why I wouldn't accept Lucifer."

Maisy nodded. "I'm still trying to get to know him. I just don't want things to change too fast."

Maisy started stacking their dirty dishes to take to the sink.

"I've been calling him Luc (Luke)," Maisy admitted.

"I think it's good you've given him a nickname like Junie did for Levi," MiMi said.

Junie stood to carry the leftovers to the kitchen to be packed away.

"I never told you Levi was a nickname, MiMi," Junie said in passing.

MiMi rolled her eyes. "As if we didn't know any better. No demon is named Levi, right?" She looked at Levi who offered her a quick smile, just a turn of his lips. Junie's heart fluttered.

"Right," he confirmed.

"While you're here Levi, I have a light bulb that went out in my bathroom. Do you think you can change it out for me?"

He glanced at Junie, handing her the last bowl on the table. She handed him a rag to wipe everything down.

"It's easy. They usually just twist in," she told him.

MiMi nodded. "Yes. You're so tall I figured it would be easier than for Maisy to have to get out the step ladder."

"I'd be happy to," Levi said. "How about I walk you to the couch?"

Junie joined Maisy in the kitchen where she was washing dishes. She started on putting the food away.

"She loves Levi," Maisy said.

"She'll love Lucif- I mean Luc, too," Junie told her.

Maisy turned off the sink, and Junie turned to give her her full attention. It was obvious she needed to get something off her chest.

"Mimi's stroke really scared me, Junie. I don't know what I would do without her," Maisy said quietly, ducking her head. She brushed away a tear.

Junie took her hand.

"I don't want to waste any of my time with her just because I have some silly boyfriend." 

"Maisy," Junie soothed. "MiMi wouldn't want you to put your life on hold for her. She'd be quite offended."

"I know," she sniffled. "I know you're right. I just don't want things to change."

Junie gave a soft laugh. "I said the same thing. Do you remember?"

Her best friend nodded.

"You told me to take everything one step at a time and not to let my fear stop me from having something good," Junie said.

"Those were some good words of wisdom," Maisy giggled, exhaling a bit from her tears. She dropped her voice to a quiet whisper.  "Junie, I was planning on moving back here officially."

"You were?" Junie asked, matching her tone.

"It just felt like the best option, but now with Luc. This is all too much," she sighed.

"MiMi is going to be able to get back to doing what she loves in no time."

"I know," Maisy nodded. "It's not because of her. It was because of me. Why would I go back to my lonely apartment when I can be here?"

"Lonely," Junie repeated, and she felt like the worst friend. Maisy's life really had changed suddenly. It used to be just the three of them, and with Mimi's health scare and Levi, Maisy really had it worse.

"I'm so sorry, Mais," Junie said. "I know it's always been the three of us, and I should've acknowledged this big change sooner."

"Nonsense, Junie. You've been so attentive to MiMi and I, even with everything you have going on," Maisy said sincerely. "I can't help how I feel, though."

Junie nodded, she understood that. She didn't like change herself, and she knew her friend was being pulled in many directions.

Junie glanced at Levi as he stepped into the kitchen. He stepped close, placing his hand supportively on her back. She moved into him, wanting him close.

"Did you figure out the lightbulb?" she asked, looking up at him.

"Yes. I got it switched out," Levi said.

"Thank you for doing that. I was dreading it," Maisy said.

Levi nodded. Junie could tell he was pleased to have something asked of him.

"I made a chocolate brownie trifle for dessert," Junie said, going to the fridge to pull it out.

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