Chapter 3

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Junie woke up just before noon from the best sleep of her life.

She stumbled out of her bedroom, eager for some breakfast.

She let out a startled gasp as she caught sight of the broad man on her couch. She had thought it was all a dream.

Leviathan's wings were long gone, and he looked almost normal sitting there. He was reading one of her books off of the shelf in the corner, her blanket across his lap.

She hesitantly moved closer to him.

"I don't understand," Junie said to him. "Are you supposed to stay here?"

Leviathan didn't move. "Yes."

"What are you? I thought a leviathan was a sea serpent or something."

"I am a demon. I do control water among other things, but I am not a serpent," he answered.

"I did not mean to summon you," Junie said, sitting next to him on the couch. "I need you to go back to wherever you came from."

"I told you that it is impossible, Juniper," be said, not once looking up from the page in front of him.

"Why?" she pushed.

"Where I am from is not anywhere near here," he said, finally closing his book. "Now that we are bonded, if you send me away, you will die."

Junie froze, sinking deeper into the cushion. "What?"

He turned to face her. His dark eyes caught the light, and she saw the faintest of blue glimmer as the sun came inside from her window.

"Humans are not strong enough to handle the pain of a severed bond."

She knew she didn't have to believe him, but of course she did. He had appeared out of thin air with wings. He was completely otherworldly with a powerful aura just oozing off of him. She would be crazy not to believe him

"So I'm stuck with you?" she asked.

He opened the book again, and she gave up on trying to get anymore answers out of him.

She went to the kitchen to make something to eat, trying to ignore the weird feelings she was facing. Was she really just going to accept the fact that a demon was bonded to her and she could never get rid of him?

She pulled the carton of eggs from the fridge, spotting her phone on the counter from the night before. There were a few texts from Maisy. Junie called her.

"Hey," Maisy answered. "I've been texting you all morning. I just wanted to make sure you are okay."

Junie let out a breath. "I'm okay. I slept late. I woke up not too long ago."

"You sound weird. How are the headaches?"

She instinctively reached up to rub her temple even though it no longer hurt. "They're totally gone actually."

"That's great," her friend said sincerely. "Was it Mimi's recipe?"

"I guess so," she answered, her eyes going to the demon on her couch.

"I should go. Let me know if you need anything from me. MiMi has a party or something to go to on Friday, and she wanted to know if we could do our weekly dinner tomorrow night."

"That works fine with me," Junie confirmed. "Don't forget that it's my turn to make dessert."

"Of course," Maisy said, and Junie could practically see her stunner of a smile. "See you then."

Junie made a pot of coffee and started making an omelette.

"Do you want something to eat?" she asked the demon.

Leviathan stood up from his seat, coming over to her.

"I don't eat food," he said. He leaned against her small island, watching her work.

"Oh," she whispered, unsure of what to say and unnerved by his close proximity. "You know, you could be a little bit more upfront with all of this information."

"I get energy from other things, like being around you, and sex of course."

Junie felt the heat in her cheeks, and the distinct thump of her heartbeat. She regretted pushing him for information.

She took her food and her coffee over to the small kitchen table she had where her laptop was waiting for her. She had a lot of work to catch up on.

Leviathan sat next to her while she worked. It was quiet, and she was honestly comfortable. It was kind of nice to have company.

She needed to get out more.

"Isn't there something more that you want to do then to stay here with me?" she finally asked.

"I have been alone in the pits of hell for my entire life. I have waited for a long time to be blessed with a mate. There is nothing in the entire world that I would rather be doing."

"There has to be other demons," Junie said.

"Hundreds if not thousands," Leviathan answered. "I have six other brothers myself, but we were never close. Demons are meant to be alone unless you are one of the few that are lucky to have your mate."

"Then what were you supposed to do with your time?"

He shrugged. "I controlled the seas and it's creatures for quite some time."

He was so nonchalant, so short with his words.

Junie had no idea what she was going to do.

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