Chapter 4

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"I'm going wherever you go," Leviathan insisted the following day as Junie took the brownies out of the oven.

"What exactly am I supposed to tell people when they see you?" she asked.

"No one has to know what I am, Juniper," he said simply.

"Junie," she corrected. "No one calls me Juniper."

She continued, "besides MiMi and Maisy are my only family. I would never bring someone over that I was not serious about."

Leviathan stepped closer, crowding her space. She had to crane her neck to look up at him. She sucked in a shaky breath.

"Are we not serious, Juniper?" he asked, letting his fingers trail down her face. He curled his arm around her waist, drawing her in close. She could feel every part of him, and she struggled to breathe as her entire body seemed to light in flames and heat.

"I just-" she struggled, swallowing thickly. "We just don't know each like that yet."

"We've been stuck in your cute little home for two days. I think we both deserve some fresh air. Don't you think?"

She nodded, quite dumbly. He could've said anything and she would have agreed. She was liquid in his hands.

Leviathan's lips quirked every so slightly and he released her, stepping back.

She took a moment to compose herself, turning back to the brownies. She dusted them with powdered sugar and covered them in plastic wrap.

"If you want to go out, we need to get you some clothes. You can't go out nearly naked like you are," she said. People would most definitely stare, girls especially, and the thought almost bothered her.

She really needed to get a grip.

"And shoes," she added, turning to look up at him, only to find him already looking at her.


"I'm just going to run in and get you something for tonight, but after that I'll take you to pick out whatever you want," Junie said.

Leviathan nodded, surprisingly listening to her. "I will be happy with whatever you choose."

It was a little chilly outside. She wasn't sure if he would get cold or not. She tried to pick out things that would be comfortable, but also in sizes that she understood because she had no idea how to even guess a waist number for a pair of pants.

She picked up a gray pair of joggers and a tan hoodie. Shoes were a nightmare. Leviathan had no idea what shoe size he wore, and how was she supposed to know?

She just took a guess and sized up. She would rather them be too big then for him to be stuck squeezing his foot all night.

She just needed to get him up to MiMi's door and then he could take them off.

Junie had to be crazy for taking him over to Mimi's house, but a part of her was hoping MiMi could help her. If she gave her the spell, then she probably could help her reverse it.

Junie also picked out some pajamas and soft t-shirts for him to wear around the house, and socks and underwear of course.

The task felt very intimate and weird, but she tried to shove it all down. The demon had literally arrived with a thin, loose pair of pants that hung way too low on his hips. She would not be able to get any work done with him walking around like that all the time. She could always return whatever did not fit anyway.

Leviathan was still waiting patiently in the car for her. She moved the car further down the parking lot where it was empty so he could put on his new clothes.

She turned to her phone while he changed.

"How does everything fit?" she asked curiously.

"Perfect," Leviathan said sincerely. "You did a great job. Thank you, Juniper."

If she thought he was hot before, putting him in a hoodie was a big mistake. He looked so normal, so handsome.

"You're welcome," she said softly, caught in his gaze as he slipped back into the passenger seat.

She reached into one of the bags, pulling out a pair of sunglasses. She pulled the tag off. "These help with the sun, especially since it's starting to go down."

He slipped them on, letting out a sigh. "It's so bright out here, so lively."

It was time to face Maisy and MiMi.

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