Chapter 8

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Junie was pretty busy writing most of the day, but honestly, the few hours of sleep she got with Levi were the best of her life. She was beyond satisfied and she found herself to be very productive.

She was beginning to enjoy Levi's quiet company.

She stood up from the table with a stretch. She hadn't seen much of the demon today, and she was curious what he was up to.

He was sitting on the edge of his bed, no shirt of course, with something small clutched in his hand.

Junie knocked gently and he waved her in.

"You don't have to knock," he said, extending his arm and encouraging her to come close.

She hesitated.

"Come on," he encouraged, and she got the impression that he was amused by her from the very brief quirk of his lips. "You can't possibly be shy on me after last night."

Junie felt the blush hit her cheeks immediately, but she went over to him. He pulled her down onto his lap, wrapping his arm tight around her.

He showed her the gold medallion that rested in his palm. It had the head of an evil looking goat on it. The eyes were red and it looked like a star of some kind was branded into its forehead.

"This was the only thing I managed to bring here with me. I wasn't sure if it would even work."

"What is it?" she asked curiously.

"A way for me to call my brothers," Levi answered.

"Did it work?"

He nodded. "I was able to call Lucifer."

"The Lucifer?" she gasped. "He's your brother?"

Levi's brows furrowed. "Yes. I told you I was one of seven. I just assumed that you understood that I was one of the Princes of Hell."

"Prince?" Junie asked, feeling kind of silly with all of her questions. This was the most information she had yet to get out of him. She did remember him telling MiMi that he ruled hell with his brothers now that he brought it back up.

"The title means nothing, Juniper. I spent my lifetime alone for the most part. I thought it to be courteous for me to let him know where I was at, and to have him send a few things my way."

"Can he do that? Send you things here?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. I know of no demon that has actually had the privilege to be with their mate, but Lucifer has been to earth before."

"Don't demons haunt places? That must mean they have been here," Juniper added curiously.

"Because they were summoned typically. There usually isn't any other way."

Levi rubbed her back, pressing his lips to the side of her face.

"How is your writing?" he asked.

"Good," she said quietly, taken aback by his affection. She never would have imagined him to be so sweet and attentive. "I'm almost done. I was thinking of going downtown to Maisy's cafe to get a coffee and finish up."

Levi agreed, releasing her.


Junie looked over the top of her laptop at Levi who was reading contently. He looked good enough to eat in that same hoodie from the other day.

He needed more clothes, and maybe some books of his own.

Junie moved her eyes away to Maisy who was restocking some cookies in the front case. She gave Junie a mischievous grin waving her over.

Junie closed her laptop lid.

"I'll be right back," she told Levi, who nodded.

"I see the way you're looking at him," Maisy whispered, quite loudly.

"Shh," Junie said. "He can probably hear you."

Maisy gestured for her to take one of the empty trays with her back into the kitchen.

"Come on," Maisy teased. "You totally like him."

Junie felt the blush rush to her cheeks. "Lower your voice. He supposedly has really good hearing."

"It's cute," Maisy said, turning to face her. She gave her a warm smile. "Has everything been okay since dinner last week?"

Junie nodded. "It's been nice. I like getting to know him, and he is very attentive and kind to me."

"I'm really glad that things are working out," Maisy said sincerely. "Since you're back here, why don't you tell me what you think of this new recipe I am trying out."

Maisy reached for a plastic container, opening it up to reveal beautiful cookies.

"It's going to be a part of my Christmas line in a few months."

Junie took one, taking a bite.

"Peppermint white chocolate chip," Junie guessed.

Her friend nodded.

"That's really good," Junie said. "It could probably use a little more mint flavor."

"That's what Marissa said," Maisy agreed.

The bell rang up front indicating there was a customer and Junie's break was over.

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