Chapter 9

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"You really don't have to buy me more things," Levi said.

Junie reached for him, looping her arm with his.

"It's okay," she insisted. "Just pick out a few things that you like."

"I like whatever you pick," he said. "Especially when it means that you can't take your eyes off of me."

Junie fought down her blush. "I do that anyway, no matter what you wear, or don't wear."

Junie stepped away from him to get a shopping cart. There weren't a whole lot of places in their town to shop for men's clothing, so the big box stores would have to do. She had already ordered him better shoes online, now that she knew his size.

Levi walked through the racks of clothing looking completely confused and out of place.

Junie muffled her laugh.

"I like these," she said, gesturing to the flannels hanging next to her.

"Just pick for me, Juniper," he said.

She did as she was told, going through the racks meticulously and picking out a few more shirts and pants. She picked out some jeans this time, just taking a guess at his size since he was being no help.

"I don't understand how someone could possibly need so much stuff," Levi said as they walked around the store. "It's obnoxiously bright in here, too."

Junie giggled. She needed groceries and it was nice to browse after working all morning.


"I'm getting lunch with Maisy tomorrow," Junie said after they got home. She was unloading her groceries and cutting the tags off of Levi's new clothes so they could be washed.

"Just you and Maisy," he concluded.

She nodded. "If that's okay. Of course you could come with, if you wanted to, but-"

"No, I understand," he said.

She could tell he was a little hurt by it. She didn't want to hurt him.

She went to him, and he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"A little space to breathe is not a bad thing," she said, looking up at him.

"It's different for me," Levi admitted. "I spent my whole life thinking that you didn't exist, or that I would never have the chance to get to know you. I do not mean to be overbearing."

She appreciated him opening up to her to let her know how he feels. She knew that was difficult for him.

Junie reached up to cup his face. He turned to kiss her palm.

"I didn't say anything about you being overbearing," she said. "I am really enjoying getting to know you."

"Me too," he whispered back.

She leaned up on her toes to press her lips on his cheek. He turned his head so their lips met instead.

She melted. He moved his hands up her back into a tight embrace so she was flush against him.

She was in heaven. Kissing him was indescribable and it just felt right.

She hoped the feelings that were developing were long term. She hoped that his feelings were long term too. She considered the possibility that things might change, once the novelty wore off for him, and the thought really bothered her.

He released her and she stepped back.

She turned to finish putting away her groceries.

Levi picked up his stack of clothes. "I'm going to put these in the washer."

He had to be bored right now, only slightly happy because of her. It was the idea of her that he liked.

He was stuck here because of her. What was going to happen when he realized that there was more to the world than just her?

He certainly wasn't a pet. He had free will all the same.

Even though they were bonded to each other forever, in risk of death, that didn't mean they were obligated to like or love each other.

Junie went to her room to find some other chore to busy herself with. She had a basket of laundry to put away, and she would much rather put her mind to the task.

"Juniper," Levi said.

She startled. He was so silent when he walked that she hadn't even noticed him enter.

"What happened?" he asked, gently taking her arm when she tried to brush past him to put her clothes in her dresser drawers.

"Nothing," she offered, unconvincingly.

He took her clothes from her, setting them on her nightstand. He guided her to the bed, taking a seat next to her. He didn't release her hand. Instead, he brushed his thumb over the back of it soothingly.

"You're upset," Levi said. "I'm sorry, but I am not sure why."

She settled against her pillows. Levi brought her legs over his lap, running his hand down the length of her arm.

"This soulmate thing, it's going to wear off eventually."

"Nonsense," he said. "I told you that soulmates are forever."

"You can't be sure," Junie said, and despite everything, she was incredibly comfortable curled up with him.

"I am absolutely sure," Levi insisted. "We are bonded. You're my forever, Juniper."

"Forever is scary," she added meekly, peeking up at him. "Aren't you immortal?"

"I can age with you, and I would be more than happy to," he said. "I only want to be where you are."

"You're able to do that?"

"I've heard stories of it being done. I would have to figure it out, but I would, if that is what you decide."

Levi moved his hand to her face, letting his thumb draw patterns across her cheek.

"You shouldn't look so far ahead. You are going to miss what is right in front of you," he told her.

She nodded. He was right. She wanted to see where this was going to go, and she needed to just let it play out, one day at a time.

"I'm just glad this wasn't because you thought I was a bad kisser," he teased, quite uncharacteristically. She couldn't help but laugh.

He leaned down for a kiss, a proper one this time.

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