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9 month time skip 😈. there like, 1 paragraph of half-smut in this/

As a few months went by, Alejandro and Tylers relationship stayed strong. Tyler told the spaniard about Libdsays pregnancy and why he didn't want her to get an abortion.

Everything was good until Tyler got a call mid sex, and of course he answered.

"Your what?" He said shocked, Pulling his boyfriends head off his dick. The spaniard looked confused, normally Tyler didn't care if he was on the phone and being sucked off. Alejandro attempted to continue sucking the older male off, but tyler pushed him away.

"Nonono, you cant be... Your due date isn't for a week?!" Tyler said freaked out. Alejandros eyes widened and he completely detached himself from his future husband.

"Okay, yeah. I'll be there in a few" Tyler said, panicking. He hung up the call and looked the spaniard in the eyes. "Okay, we have to meet her at the hospital... " Tyler said.

"Okay mi vida, Do you need a minute before we go?" Alejandro asked, running his hand on his boyfriends thigh.

"Please?" Tyler asked, sufficiently freaked out. Alejandro rubbed his boyfriends thigh and kissed his neck softly to calm him down.

They got dressed, Tyler in sweatpants and a white tee, and Alejandro in baggy jeans and a button up.

Alejandro drove their car to the hospital and met Lindsay in the delivery room.

"Uhmm, Ty, do you want me in here or od you want me to wait in the lobby?" Alejandro asked with a small smile. "Can you sit in here with me please?" The jock asked.

"Oh my god, Tyson! This hurts so much... Why was I so excited " Lindsay said as she breathed in heavily. "Maybe because you'll make a great mom?"

"You really think so?" Lindsay said, smiling. "Lindsay, beleive me you'll be a great mom" Tyler smiled at her and held her hand.

Alejandro sat there akwardly on his phone. He decided to text noah.

Alejandro - 4:23
Amigo, Lindsay just went into labor and Tyler is having me sit here with them.

Noah - 4:26
dude imagine. cody is forcing me to watch tmnt 💀.

Alejandro - 4:35
thats better than watching your boyfriends ex girlfriend give birth

Noah - 4:50
Idk this movies kinda boring. but hey atleast you getta be there when your stepson is born. do they have a name picked?

Alejandro - 5:00
Sì, Wayde if its a boy and Emma if its a girl.

Noah -5:11
wow not tyler potentially naming his kid after my ex.

Alejandro -5:20
oh yeah, sorry amigo, i forgot your ex is named emma

srry for late response, cody keeps making me put my phone down and pay attention. but do u want it to be a boy or a girl

I want it to be a boy, same with Tyler but Lindsay wants it to be a girl. I don't know anything about chicas.

Noah: -6:12
dude that movie was boring. might get a bj from my bf tho because i actually watched it so yk

Alejandro -6:16
Congratulations, Mi amigo. Lindsay is pushing the kid out right now so. Have fun with that BJ and you can probably meet The kid in a few days.

Noah -6:40
alright, tell tyler cody says hi.

Alejandro - 7:00
will do

As Linday finished pushing the kid out, It was said to be a boy. They nsmed the kid Wayde and Tyler and Lindsay put their names on the birth certificate.

"Tyler, I did it" Lindsay said ss he held the baby close. Tyler had wide eyes looking at his son. "Hes so perfect" Tyler whispered as he kissed his sons forehead.

"Ale, come here." Tyler said in a hushed voice. Alejandro stood up from his seat and walked over to them.

He looked at the baby and smiled. "He looks like you, Lindsay" Alejandro whispered. "Really? you think?" Lindsay smiled and kissed her sons cheek.

"What's the middle name?" Alejandro asked Tyler. "Ohh- i knew we forgot something Linds!" Tyler said

"Wellll, His middle nsme could be Ale after your boyfriend if you want... I dont really caree!" Lindsay smiled.

" Mmmm... Wayde Ale Kenard.." Tyler thought. "It has a nice ring to it "

"Oh, speaking of rings. Alfonso when are you gonna propose to Ty'reese" Lindsay said as she rocked Wayde in her arms.

"Uhmm-" Tyler blushed and Alejandro smiled.. "I don't know, Chica. Whenever he wants to marry me" The spaniard smiled at Tyler.

"Who said I didn't already want to?"

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