You love me?

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i actually have nothing better to do than write this //

When The boys woke up, neither had any memory of whatever happened last night. Alejandro woke up with a pounding headache and just layed there for a few minutes while Tyler slept.

The jock was laying on Alejandros lap with his body spread across 2 chairs. Alejandro ran his fingers through the boys hair with a smile.

Okay, MAYBEEE i lied. Maybe Alejandro wasn't as drunk as everyone thought and he remembers the kiss.... but he would never tell Tyler that. He basically knew that Tyler didn't like him but there was a sliver of hope that the jock loved him back.

Alejandro sighed as Tyler began to wake up. He removed his fingers from tylers soft hair as the jock began to rise. Once tyler was fully sitting up, He looked at Alejandro with a smile. "hey" Tyler said in a raspy voice. "hi hermoso" Alejandro responded with a matching smile.

"Fuckk, man my head hurts" Tyler said as he layed back down on Alejandros chest. The younger boys face went flush as he didn't expect that. "Well.. that's what happens when you get drunk, amor. " Alejandro chuckled

"Al.. I have a question" Tyler said in a shushed voice, like whatever he was about to say was inappropriate. "What do you need?" Alejandro responded with a raised eyebrow. "Well.. You always call me 'Amor' and.. I know that means 'Love' because i took Spanish in Sophomore year" Tyler paused. "Do you like.. love me or something gay like that?" Tyler asked.

Of course he himself had a crush on alejandro but he couldn't make that obvious because he was dating lindsay and cheating boyfriends are fucking losers who don't deserve any ammount of love and because He didn't know how his friends would respond.

Alejandro went silent and looked away from the jock. Tylers eyes went huge and his jaw dropped. "Holy shit... You do love me" He said quietly. "Well... Tyler, Lets not uhm. Put it like that. " Alejandro knew he got caught and he felt kindaa stupid about it.

Of course he has had a crush on Duncan and Noah while on this plane but Tyler was the only one hes been in love with.

"Its okay if you do, Al. Just, you know.. I have a girlfriend " Tyler smiled guiltily. He wanted to date Alejandro but there were rating and veiwers and friends and his girlfriend.. there were too many factors.

"Alright Tyler" After Alejandro said that, Chris came on the intercom and announced their next challenge

Te amo. (aletyler)Where stories live. Discover now