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in honor of 2k reads. I wanna introduce.THE FIRST ANGST CHAPTER. 🎉//

A few challenges have passed, The final 4. Alejandro, Tyler, Cody and Sierra. Alot had happened in the past few weeks.

for starters, Chris Mclain got a call that Lindsays father found out after Tyler and Lindsay, and was suing the show unless Tyler broke up with her. (he did) Tyler hasn't had his usual motivation since then.

Alejandro got canceled, as sierra said, for being gay and kissing Tyler when he obviously had a girlfriend.

Cody and Sierra have pretty much been the same.

Alejandro won the challenge, chosing Tyler to join him in 1st class. Of course, occasionally he would choose Cody to join him. But that was only on the days when tyler insisted he wanted to be left alone.

Tyler laid on the chair, looking lost. He felt sick and tired. He had so much love for Lindsay just for their relationship to end. Alejandro watched him from a distance, concerned for his Bestfriend.

"fuck this man. I don't even wanna be here anymore" Tyler whispered. He closed his eyes and stsrted to cry. This happened quite a bit since the breakup.

"Tyler, Mi vida, you have so much to live for. Think about your brothers" Alejandro made sure to remind him. Al was obviously hurt by his bestfriends feelings.

"Al. When this show ends. I'm gonna kill myself. " Tyler said, Having his plan already made. "And before i fuckin do. I want you t'know you're my best friend"

Tyler started sobbing. He wiped his tears and continued talking. "You're my best friend. And i know, y' probably don't see me as yours. " Tyler whispered. "I think i love you, Alejandro." The brunette sobbed out.

"And i don't know how to feel about it because... fuck. liking guys isn't normal for someone like me, Al" Tyler whispered. Alejandro didn't know how to feel about this. He just held his bestfriend while he cried.

"Dios, tyler. Yo también te amo" ("God, Tyler. I love you too.") Alejandro muttered in spanish. He rocked the jock back and forth, trying to calm his breathing. "Please don't kill yourself, Mi amor. I know breaking up with Lindsay hurt, but she never remembered you. don't get mad at me for this, but you guys wouldve never made it past highschool" Alejandro whispered, trying to rip off the bandaid.

" Al, im so done Al. I just-" Tyler Cut off his own sentence, deciding to plant his lips on Alejandros. He left a lingering kiss on the spaniards lips. Alejandro sat there in shock, Ofcourse, this is what hes wanted since the beginning. But he couldn't do this right now, not while Tyler was hurting.

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