Amor (intro)

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The teams had just merged and Tyler has won the most challenges in a row.

Alejandro was sitting in first class across the table from Tyler. In all honesty, he thought Tyler was quiet beautiful. The way his brown eyes sparkled whemever he won a challenge, the way he smiled with his stupid perfect teeth. Tyler was probably the only person on this plane he found as gorgeous as he was. Tyler was the only person he would allow to call him 'Al'. Shit. was it norm for him to feel like this over a guy? Jóse would bully him so hard if he heard what his little brother was thinking. Why did Alejandro this a man was beautiful, yes he himself was beautiful but another man? That wasn't normal.. atleast not in the Burromuerto family. Every man married a woman who either they or their father choose. Alejandro wasn't supposed to feel this way over a man, and definitely not over Tyler.. With his stupid voice and sexy hair and and... Fuck. Tyler started talking to Alejandro about what theyre gonna do in the merge. Play it cool. play it cool..

"The merge sucks, man.." Tyler says to Alejandro. " That team had helped me so much.. especially you, Al!" The older boy smiles and rubs the back of his head. "Al? Al? are you there?" Tyler says after a few minutes of talking with no response. Alejandro shook his head and looked into Tyler's brown eyes. "Sì." Alejandro responded and rubbed his hands across his face, he felt stressed out over the thought of liking a guy. And then it hit him, He could test the waters with Tyler and see if the older boy liked him too.. and just use the excuse of being an alliance!

"Tyler, if i were to say i found you quite.. beautiful, what would you think, Guapo?" Alejandro said as he stared at Tyler, He raised an eyebrow at the man and gave him his signature smile. Tyler rubbed the back of his head and responded, "Al, I told you i like girls" Tyler says. He looked into the younger mans eyes. Tyler thought about Lindsay, and how he had to win for her, how he had loved her, how he wished she wouldn't have been voted. Alejandro scoffed and raised his left eyebrow to match his right. "Aye, espléndido.. You don't understand do you?" Alejandro shook his head. "tch, tch, tch.. Tyler, amigo. I -The most beautiful man in this shows history- is calling you gorgeous" Alejandro said as he extended his arm over to table to grab Tyler's, The older man tensed his arm. "Mi amigo, its just a mere complimente, no need to get so defensive." Alejandro rested his eyebrows. Tyler untensed his body and sighed. "I know.. But why are you complimenting me? Out of all people on this plane?" Tyler asks. He was genuinely wondering. He thought Alejandro liked Heather. " Well Tyler, Im thinking.. Since the teams merged last episode.. we stay together, hm? form a secret alliance?" Alejandro suggested and smirked at Tyler.

"GOOD MORNING CONTESTANTS. TODAY WE ARE GOING TO DO SOMETHING SPECIAL SO SAVE THE DATE BEFORE WE LAND" Chris yelled over the speaker, which made everyone in first class groan. Tyler had won the last few challenges in a row, either for his team or for himself. But either way, he chose Alejandto to accompany him.

Tyler sighed and narrowed his eyes at Alejandro. "I know what you did to Leshawna and Bridgette... And im not gonna let you play me lile you did them.. man.." Tyler mumbles. He found Alejandro quiet attractive but then again so did everyone. "No, no.. Amor, don't get me wrong.. I did seduce them just to get closer to victory.. but You Tyler, You're different. " Alejandro smirks and grabs Tylers hand once more. This time he doesn't tense up and he lets it happen. "Okay Al.. Im choosing to trust you.. but if you betray me like you did to Leshawna and Bridgette.. you'll be sorry" Tyler threatens the Spaniard, not really meaning it because he knew Alejandro could beat him in a fight. "Aye, Tyler amigo.. You won't regret this alliance" Alejandro smirked and squeezed the jocks hand.

"EVERYONE OFF THE PLANE.. WE'RE IN NEW YORK" Chris exclaimed and hung up abruptly. Tyler and Alejandro quickly stood up and walked towards the exit. "Oh Al?"Tyler said before they walked out. Alejandro turned to him and raised an eyebrow, "Yes, Amigo?" He said with a confused voice.

"Why did you call me 'Amor' earlier? I know that it means Love"

Te amo. (aletyler)Where stories live. Discover now