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A few years later. . .

The day finally arrived. A dream laced in pearls and tears. Hyunjin and Yeseul were now husband and wife.

From exchanging glasses in science lab, they exchanged rings, hearts and love. Their smiles stayed incandescent. Lighting souls they held onto each other, undeniably in love.

The wedding ceremony was overwhelmingly beautiful. They couldn't tears eyes when Yeseul walked down the aisle with her father by the side. Flower girls happily followed the trail, and bridesmaids spilled tears of joy. The pictures of the couple was hazy and golden, saturated in sunshine and elation.

Night descended, painting the sky with a tapestry of stars. The guests after a delightful dinner, retired to their rooms, while a few lingered. Yeseul, feeling a craving for something sweet and chose to indulge in a dessert on the beach. As the late night breeze tenderly embraced her, she shivered, her smile radiating in harmony with the rhythmic waves. It was as if nature itself serenaded her with love songs in the gentle whisper of the wind.

"Hey, wife." Hyunjin sat beside her, his hair tousled. His eyes were glistening. "What are you doing here all by yourself?"

"Hi." She grinned at him, the amount of butterflies at the sight of his face making her chest heavy. "Just thinking about you, husband."

Hyunjin bit down at his lip to hold his smile. He failed. Yeseul didn't have to try to bring up out such joy from him. "This is the happiest day of my life."

"Well it's one million times the happiest day of my life." She teased.

"Getting competitive already, huh?" Hyunjin entwined his fingers with hers, making Yeseul hum in contentment.

"What are we going to do when we're at home?" Yeseul wondered out loud, her eyes at the crashing sea.

"Fall in love all over again?" Hyunjin wished he didn't sound so cheesy, but at the sight of Yeseul laughing at his answer, he didn't mind the title of a corny husband.

Time dragged out, the couple sat closer, dreams of future mingling with salted air. The villa behind them illuminated the night with a warm glow, enveloping them in its inviting embrace. The walls resonated with sweet melodies, and the air was filled with shared laughter. Hyunjin thought back to them kissing each. He didn't feel worthy of this, but somehow Yeseul made it easier for him to accept it.

"Want to go inside and see what those people are up to?" Yeseul rested her chin on Hyunjin's shoulder, eyes turning up in a smile. Hyunjin put his arm around her waist, hoisting her up without questions. "Let's go watch old people dance then."

"Think we would be one of them in a few decades?" Yeseul held her heels in her free hand, feet sinking in soft sand. The sea and the beach brought memories of a sweet summer day with Hyunjin back to her. The one where he fell over her, and made her believe in catching a bad case of crushes.

"Yeah. That would be us on our children's wedding." The reply made Yeseul blush.

Inside, the atmosphere was vibrant, teeming with life. The dance floor was awash with couples gracefully swaying to the gentle tunes of jazz that reverberated softly in the background. Yeseul, not one to linger, playfully tugged Hyunjin towards the kitchen, determined to avoid the potentially embarrassing wedding night discussions with the aunties.

In the kitchen, they encountered Jeongin and Soji nestled in one corner, and Jinho and Hana, his Japanese fiancée, in the other. Both couples were thoroughly engrossed in feasting over cake.

"Hello everyone. Having a grand time?" Yeseul chirped, making the four to turn heads.

"This cake is so good, dude. Did they put illegal substances in it?" Jeongin's lips were smeared in cream. Soji dabbed at his mouth with tissues.

"Just pure love." Yeseul grabbed Hyunjin's arm, earning groans and eye rolls. Especially from her brother.

"You both better stay a feet apart when you're near me." Jinho stabbed the cake.

"Oh please, we saw you and Hana having a sweet time behind the curtains earlier." Yeseul defended her stance. Hana was too busy laughing and blushing over this whole scenery.

Hyunjin took the chance to grab two bottles of beer and two sandwiches. He stuffed them in his blazer before grabbing Yeseul's hand. "Okay guys, we'll give you all some privacy. Sweet dreams!" He pulled Yeseul around and rushed up the stairs.

Their bedroom for the night was spacious, adorned with grand windows dressed in flowing white curtains. Delicate pastel floral embroidery adorned the drapes, creating an air of romance. The walls were covered with oversized oil paintings depicting lush green fields, and their bed was an inviting sanctuary, draped in sheer, billowing veils.

Yeseul released a contented sigh as she collapsed into a chair positioned near the door. She let her hair cascade down gracefully. Hyunjin found himself sitting on the edge of the bed, carefully removing his shoes while gazing at his bride with a heartwarming affection. "Feeling tired?" he inquired, arranging drinks and refreshments on the coffee table.

Yeseul looked at him, then slowly her lips turned up. "Didn't know marrying was such a physical exertion."

"Aunties would be disappointed." A small mischief was present on Hyunjin's face. Yeseul's face was ablaze.

She stood up, moving towards the large mirror standing against the corner. Her attempts to hide her face went futile while Hyunjin followed her closely behind. She picked out the diamonds from her hair, and the silk gloves. A shiver went down her spine while Hyunjin started helping her with her necklace.

"Stop it." She mumbled shyly. Hyunjin could see right through her. He held his hands up. "Sorry. I just thought you'll pass out taking all those covers by yourself."

He wasn't very helpful with these answers. "This is my first time marrying. I'm just nervous."

Hyunjin didn't try to not laugh. He fell back on the bed, eyes crinkling up. Yeseul's nervous demeanour broke apart. "I hate you." She said with clear love.

"Would you appreciate it if I close my eyes then? Give you some nice privacy?"

"Stop teasing me." Yeseul muttered, struggling to reach the zipper in the back. "Stop watching and give me a hand."

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow at her, sighing softly before standing up. "As you wish, Sul." He held the dress at the top, his fingers grazing against Yeseul's skin. She held her breath as he pulled the zipper all the way down, so slowly it was maddening. The mirror in front captured the time for her to witness. She felt too happy at the sight of Hyunjin. Yeseul won't save her glasses to avoid this day.

"I love you." Yeseul's sudden confession made Hyunjin to look at her reflection in surprise. They had shared this phrase a handful of times before, but her saying it while standing in her white gown felt like a word from heavens.

Hyunjin turned her around. "Still tired?" Yeseul shook her head. "Good to hear." He swiftly lifted her up in his arms, cheshire smile on his lips as he walked towards the bed.

Cue fireworks.

the end.

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