20. Reasons

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The three sat on the portico, sun holding the space in a golden hue. Although the silence seemed heavy, and the only break of conversation was Jeongin hissing at Hyunjin applying the ointment on his knee, Yeseul could sense the urge to be swallowed in the earth throughout her body. She wished she died right away when she fell from the wall. Her embarrassment was vividly covering her face in a florid blush.

"Hyung. I swear, you gave us the fright of our life." The boy chuckled. Hyunjin smiled softly, looking up at him.

"I still don't understand why, but was it thrilling?"

"Thrilling? I almost had an asthma attack." Jeongin shook his head, reaching down for the juice. "Yeseul, you want some?"

The girl only bore a deadly glare at him. Jeongin nervously backed away with his own glass. "I almost was sacrificed, and this is your thanks?"

"You talk too much." Yeseul muttered, looking away at the flourishing rose bushes.

Hyunjin felt a small smile spread on his face. The girl's voice felt like a melting dream of what he had yearned for during these past few days.

"You talk too little." Hyunjin sighed. Yeseul felt her heart tumble down in a warm beating. Jeongin enjoyed the look of her face. He reclined back in his chair, as if with intentions of enjoying the scene that was about to unfold.


Hyunjin stood up. "Jeongin, my mum was asking for you."

The boy took the sign and left the place, but not before he saluted at Yeseul. She sighed.

"How have you been?" Hyunjin carried the first aid box, and sat in front of Yeseul. She could barely breathe. Her eyes stayed on his face.

"I'm... Alright? I'm great. How are you?" Hyunjin chuckled, his hands gently taking hold of her arm. Yeseul almost recoiled, but she couldn't. No matter how much she wanted to push the guy away, she still asked for more closeness. Her heart frantically beat in her chest. "What is it?"

"You hurt yourself. Just checking on the wound." Hyunjin folded up Yeseul's sleeves. A red wound cut open on her elbow.

"Really?" She glanced down, her nose scrunching up at the sight. "Looks bad."

"I'll be gentle."

Hyunjin took out a piece of cotton. He put some antiseptic solution on it, and gently dabbed at the wound. Yeseul fliched, the wound burning up. Her eyes met the concerning look in the boy's gaze. His eyes for a fleeting moment travelled to her cheeks, and then down to her parted lips. He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It doesn't hurt much now." Hyunjin nodded, proceeding with the cleaning. He put some ointment on the cut, and started to wrap it up with a bandage.

Yeseul watched him, his eyebrows stiched together in soft focus. The sunshine casted the shadow of the boughs behind them on his cheeks, the glare at times teasing his eyes. She held up her free hand, blocking away the rays. Hyunjin looked up. "Are you feeling better now?"

The boy hesitated to answer. Then his shoulders melted down, and his eyes fell away from Yeseul's face. He nodded. "I'm better today."

"We both were very worried."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't. Don't apologize. I'm willing to listen to you when you feel comfortable." Yeseul could catch the swirl of gloom in his eyes. She wished to hold him closer, but she stayed grounded in her place. The sun vanished behind clouds. Jeongin creaked the door open, grinning.

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