Chapter 43: If I die, Love Again

Start from the beginning

"Granna told me about it. She also asked me to keep it a secret from you, saying that you wouldn't want to know the sex." He replied. "She was right." Lavender cried even more. "Thanks for telling me before we lay her down." She broke down mentally.

After a moment of silence where Lavender lied still, a million thoughts running her mind. "Baby?" She chose to spoke. "Yeah? What's wrong?" Tristen felt startled by her sudden sweet talk. "After I'm gone, don't waste your life. Don't spend your life in regret, fall in love again. No one deserves to not feel loved." She smiled, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"LAVENDER!" He yelled in anger. "Just don't marry Cady, I will haunt you forever." She spoke in a whisper like voice, feeling that her body was giving up on her.

"I will kill myself if you die. Stop saying these unforgivable words. I swear to god Lavender, had you not been my wife I'd have shown you how cold I could get when someone disobeys me." He gritted his teeth, feeling tears welling up in his eyes.

"I never disobeyed you." Lavender still decided to argue. "See, you're doing it while you're saying this. Fucking... God... Why don't you just listen? Is it that hard?" He smacked his lips. "I just don't want to surprise you by passing away suddenly." She smiled.

"For God's sake, Lavender. Talk about something else."

"I feel tired. I'll just sleep for a while."


"Fine, I won't." She sighed heavily.

After that, it was a short ride to the hospital, where Tristen kept Lavender talking and did not allow her to fall asleep. He did not want to take any chances. He knew how dangerously close she was to dying or falling into a coma. The moment they reached Bilsburg Central Hospital, Tristen carried her out in his arms, leaving the car open.

"My wife has been shot! She is pregnant!" He yelled at the top of his voice in the hospital. Nurses soon came in with a stretcher where he laid her, while a few doctors approached the scenario.

After that, surgeons were called in and the operation room was marked red. Tristen sat down outside the room on the provided bench. He weeped to himself placing his elbows on his thighs while he hid his face in his palms.

Hours had passed by. Would she be live? Would the baby be okay? Would he have to make a choice between choosing Lavender and the baby? The baby who hasn't even been born? A thousand thoughts were running through his mind. He wished he could just give up and die.

"Mr. Killings?" A voice said, standing right in front of Tristen. He looked up at the man showing him his ID. "We are from the Investigation team. I would like to get your statement recorded upon this matter. This seems like a case of attempted murder." The man said. "I'm not in a correct state to be giving my statement. I hope you understand." Tristen calmly said, knowing that he would burst out in tears any moment. "My wife is still inside, and I do not know what has happened to our child."

"Your wife, you say?" The officer asked, pulling out his notepad to note it down. "Wife-to-be. We were supposed to get married in a few months." He explained. The officer looked at him closely for a moment, and sighed. He put the notepad back, deciding to let it slide. "We understand. But we will come back tomorrow. This is a matter of urgency. I hope you understand." He said, before walking away with his team.

Tristen could not hold himself from crying. He loved Lavender very much. In fact, he would go ahead and confess that he loved her more than their unborn girl child. He had failed to protect her. And he blamed himself entirely for it.

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