Chapter 23: Take Care

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"Is this comfortable?"


"How about now? You mustn't hurt your back, that's all."

"It's fine. You should see my writing positions when I work alone." Lavender smiled weakly, while Tristen adjusted the cushions which he placed behind her on the chair. "Still so fragile, your voice never lies. Are you sure you want to work? You could rest for a while." He suggested. "It's alright, really. I have to get this book done before Jim jumps off Kilns Word Publications." She said, putting her fingers on the keyboard. "Okay then, go ahead and write us a bestseller." Tristen pecked her head.

"You're staying here?" She asked, looking up at him. "Where else would I go?" He scoffed. "Maybe to look after your... business?" She shrugged. "Ah, that. Things are quite slow these days. Brendon doesn't get paid ten thousand every three months for nothing." Tristen flexed. "You pay your assistant that much?" She dropped her jaw. "To be honest, I pay him quite less for all the jobs he does. But then I provide him with a place in my mansion so it is enough to keep him from complaining." He replied, running his hand over her head.

"I'll be fine, I swear." Lavender put on her best convincing, puppy face.

"I'm not leaving you alone."

"No, I mean it."

"It isn't out for discussion love, put your fingers on those keys and start typing." He put his finger under her chin, showering her with a little affection before making his way towards her bed.

Tristen and Lavender had basically been living together at her place for the last week. Tristen was too fixated on not leaving her. After all that had happened, he did not want to separate himself from her even if it was for a moment. Moreover, giving him an excuse, Lavender had fallen sick due to her unhealthy routine.

Tristen would tear the world apart to make her feel better and the thought of leaving her? It infuriated him. He swore he would not leave her by herself until she got better, so there he was. Lavender rubbed her palms together before she prepared to type. The moment she placed her hands on the keyboard again, she hit a mental block.

Damn it, what do I write about now? She cursed, giving Tristen a glance, who was on his phone busy looking something up. He won't leave me be and I can't write unless I'm all alone. She wanted him to go, but she was not so daring enough. "Something wrong?" He asked, startling her. "Nothing!" She smiled pretentiously, hoping that he'd let it go. She then watched him lower his legs down the bed to stand up.

Shit, she gulped.

"You're bothered, and I can say that without looking at your face." He lowered himself to reach her level. "No, Tristen, I swear I was just thinking, really!" Lavender insisted. He simply kissed her cheek before walking to the door. "I'll come back to check on you, okay?" He opened the door wide.

"Where are you going?" She asked curiously. "Downstairs. I'll watch TV." Tristen shrugged while walking out. "Finally!" She sighed lowly, taking the cushion from behind her back to place it on her lap. She was afraid Tristen might take it the wrong way if she objected his gestures of affection. She needed to work the way that suited her, else she could not jot down a single sentence. "Let's get to work." She started typing.

Tristen was busy watching TV downstairs, surfing through the channels. He never had the time to watch TV for long. The one at his place was always on with the news channel like a 24/7 radio. Claire, on the other hand, was busy doing the house chores.

A while later, Tristen got a call.

"Brendon?" He answered.

"Bates is trying to reach you. Says he has some urgent business."

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